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  1. Option to Print ALL Administrative Decisions on Suspension Letter

    There needs to be an option to include ALL administrative decisions (dispositions) to suspension letters. Only allowing for one administrative decision leaves out critical information in the letter.

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  2. Method in assertive discipline to automatically email teachers of student suspension

    It would be really nice to have an action button in assertive discipline that admin could click to automatically send to the students teacher that they have earned a suspension.

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  3. Discipline: Referrer field

    Update Staff ID in Discipline to "Referrer" as it is in Assertive Dis.

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  4. Adding a red flag click box in discipline for auto red flag additions so it is automatic

    Per California Ed Code 49079, a student’s teacher must be notified three years from the last infraction where the student violated the SSA. If the SSA Date field is populated, an asterisk (*) prints next to the student name on teacher rosters.

    It would be convenient if there were a space in discipline where you could click a box to have the violation code automatically appear in the red flag, so it was not another step to go into the red flags to add a flag there.

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  5. Do not update SSA date until the Assertive Discipline (ADS) record is saved

    Currently, the SSA date is updated the instant a violation code (with the appropriate tag in the SOC table) is selected while entering a new ADS record.

    By setting the SSA date before the assertive discipline record is saved, and then leaving it in its altered state if the ADS record entry is cancelled or the violation code is changed and does not, in fact, warrant setting the SSA date, you’re putting an X on a student’s forehead for the next three years that they may not deserve (or putting the ownness on the user to correct the date that…

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  6. Allow [ADS.SSE] Indicator in Email notifications for Discipline Entries

    Allow [ADS.SSE] Indicator in Email notifications for Discipline Entries

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  7. Update Suspension Letters to Include DSP.DS Codes 05 & 06 for Texas Districts

    Update Suspension Letters to include the discipline suspension codes of DSP.DS = 05 and 06 to tabulate the number of days for TX schools.

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  8. Better way to do letters for suspension days that roll over from the prior year

    The Request assigned and served days in ADS works okay for students that get suspended on the last few days of school and need to finish serving their suspension the next year; however, the letter that prints only shows the days served in the prior year and not the full suspension details. It would be better if we could either print both letters, which you currently can't print because the next year is not set up, or link the suspensions and have the letter include all the dates and details.
    For example, we had one student that will have 4…

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  9. Discipline Dashboard - Users need Delete permission for student demographic data in the Download Details file

    When a user without the Delete permission on ADS runs the Download Details file from Discipline Dashboard, they don't get student ID or name. They at least need the ID so they can identify the student on each of the incident record.

    Please let the users be able to see this data on the Download Detail file.

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  10. Add the "Copy" button to the DIS page.

    Add the "Copy" button to the DIS page. ( when enabling the Advanced features for DIS. ) the "Copy" button is removed. We are wanting to use this for keeping track of PBIS. ( a 2nd feature could be adding multiple codes to a single DIS record which would limit the need to "Copy" - "Copy" would still help when multiple students are involved in the same situation.

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  11. Add Incident ID’s to Discipline similar to Assertive Discipline

    Currently, it isn’t possible to connect students that are involved in the same discipline incident, like you can with Assertive Discipline. Is it possible to submit a request to Aeries to add a feature like that so that they can anonymously connect multiple students to an incident?

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  12. Suspension Letter ADS descriptions in SOC

    Suspension letter - Enhance so If 2 ADS codes have the exact same description in SOC allow them to print together. Currently it only prints one code.

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  13. Page of Ed Codes for back of Suspension letter

    One of our sites mentioned that they are required to have the list of codes for the back of their suspension letters. Currently they have to print out their suspension letter then print on the back side of the page to include the codes. Could this be an automatic option to include a code page?

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  14. (Mask) Discipline Letter - Multiple Letters for Offenses

    Update Discipline Letter Text Editor to allow for Discipline XX 1 (English and Spanish) and Discipline XX 2 (English and Spanish). Currently, when these two letters are created and utilized, discipline only reverts to the most recent, which would be Discipline XX 2 (English/Spanish). It does not allow us to select Discipline XX 1 as a first offense as it selects Discipline XX 2 (English/Spanish). If these letters are named differently, then the letters can be generated. Please make it where the letters with similar names and different verbiage can be utilized.

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