Aeries Ideas
74 results found
Assertive Discipline-Allow to upload a picture to an incident
Add a way to upload a picture to a discipline incident. For example if there was a vandalism and we could take a picture of that vandalism and upload it to the discipline incident it is tied to.
8 votes -
Create capability for notification. When a referral is generated notification is also generated. As admin, we go back into entry and enter our notes/interventions/actions, but this isn't known unless teacher goes back to the log. We would like the ability for automatic notification after going back in to add our notes/interventions/actions to the person that originally created the referral/entry.
7 votes -
A queue showing discipline referrals sent from teacher discipline to admin active discipline.
A queue showing discipline referrals submitted by teachers to administrators and the progress that admins have made in the active discipline . Admins want to see what teachers have submitted without copying and pasting into active discipline. teachers want to see that the admins have processed the discipline- even if the details are not completely visible.
7 votes -
Discipline (DIS) - The Student Discipline Record Report should only print the Staff member's first and last name.
The Student Discipline Record Report prints the staff member's full name, including middle name. Requesting that it not include the staff member's middle name, similar to how the Student Assertive Discipline Record Report (ADS) prints only first and last name of staff member.
7 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Show the user who entered the record
Please show the Inserted User field.
7 votes -
Discipline Letter Disposition Codes
Discipline Letter - Is still looking for the Disposition Codes to print from ADS.DS in COD. Enhance to look at DSP.DS if code is not in ADS.DS
6 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Ability to Enter multiple dispositions without having to Save after each one
Currently the user has to click "Save" after each Administrative Decision (Dispositions) after entering a Violation. For instance if a student violated mask wearing and a warning and conference was performed, the user has to Add New Administrative Decision, enter Conference, click Save; Repeat the process to select Warning.
It would be more efficient if it was possible to enter multiple Administrative Decisions and click Save once to enter all the dispositions.
6 votes -
Create a "Behavioral Snapshot" that incorporates DIS, ADS, INV and CNF all on one page
It would be really awesome if there was a "One Stop Shop" for all behavioral tables. This page would be a place where one can go and see all Discipline, Assertive Discipline, Intervention and Counseling notes/narrative for a particular student. This way, an admin or counselor can go to one page and see the whole picture for a student's behavior and all steps already taken.
6 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Display Date of Disposition field in record selector
When you first tab to Assertive Discipline page, you view entered records from previous referrals and you see in the blue bar area stating "Select a Record to View Details". At this point you can see "Date", "Violation", and "Action". I would also like to see the "Disposition Date". This would allow me to see if student has been issued detention (or other action taken) and for what date. When a student has multiple records that she/he has been assigned a discipline action for, and I need to assign another action for a new offense, this would eliminate me having…
6 votes -
Assertive Discipline - Add Incident ID to the selection list and dropdown
Show the Incident# on the Assertive Discipline selection list and dropdown so we don't have to open up each discipline record in order to find the incident# we are looking for. This would be helpful when auditing discipline data during Data Validations and CALPADS errors. Thank you.
5 votes -
Student Data Audit Report- Add the Discipline Incident ID
It would be good to add the Incident # for any CALPADS discipline errors that show up on the Student Data Report. That way we can go directly to the incident that needs correction instead of having to look through multiple reports. Some of these students will have multiple reports.
5 votes -
Discipline Dashboard - Add Mass Create Intervention Records
Like mass creating intervention records from the analytics dashboard, it would be great to be able to mass add and intervention from the assertive discipline dashboard.
5 votes -
Discipline dashboard - Option to display by grade level
Schools would like an option on the discipline dashboard to display (or filter) by grade level.
5 votes -
SSA date from a previous district
Need the ability to input an Assertive Discipline record that can be tagged as a violation at a previous school...used solely to track an SSA violation from a previous district. At our court school and some other schools, teachers need to know if a student has had a SSA violation from a previous district, but we don't want to input it manually as it could be confusing as to why they have an SSA date that doesn't match any Assertive Discipline records at the current school. We also don't want to input an Assertive Discipline record since the violation did…
4 votes -
Teacher Email Alerts for Administrative Decisions
Need the ability for Teachers to be alerted when students enrolled in their class have received an Administrative Decision such as placement in In School Suspension or DAEP.
4 votes -
Expulsion letter text editor page
Would like to have an Expulsion Letter text editor page much like the Suspension and Discipline letter text editor page. This will need the ability to customize the return date to TBD or a district chosen option.
4 votes -
Discipline - More Fields
We want to pilot this with our staff but we were wondering if the following features could be added to that page to make it more functional? They include:
- Time of the incident (like in assertive discipline)
- Location of the incident (like in assertive discipline)
- The ability to sort entries by staff member
- Expanded drop down list (maybe some of the ones that were deleted from assertive discipline could be appropriate here)
- Email generation to admin when something is added
4 votes -
Print button for individual Discipline records
Add a print button when entering an individual discipline record instead of having to print all discipline records. Note: This is Discipline (not Assertive Discipline). There is currently no way to print an individual record.
4 votes -
Behavioral Emergency Report (BER) - New Counts Report
In reviewing how the CDE is planning on publishing the data on restraints and seclusion, a report that mirrors the counts would be a helpful way to audit the data.
The CDE reports total counts then breaks the counts down by demographic groups.4 votes -
When entering a disposition for ADS for SIS or SUS, check offense against suspendable offenses before disposition is allowed.
A few of the discipline events this year had incorrect dispositions - in school suspension and suspension codes were entered for offenses that were not listed in the suspendable offense table. The disposition was allowed to be saved, it should have been rejected and the user prompted to change the disposition to a non-suspendable or change the offense code to a suspendable offense that is in the SUS table
3 votes
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