CALPADS STAS - Do not extract for students in NPS or Private Schools
As of 4/2024, CALPADS no longer accepts STAS records for students in an NPS or Private Schools (School of Attendance = 0000001) or private school group (School of Attendance = 0000002). Adjust the logic in Aeries to no longer extract automatically for these schools. Currently, Aeries automatically populates an exemption indicator for all NPS students. Remove logic that inserts the Exemption indicator.
Wendi Rapp commented
Needs to be fixed so we do not have to manually adjust the extract each time!
Peggy Wakeman commented
Yes! Very important!
sconrad commented
It would be helpful if the STAS extract didn't include NPS records regardless if it is selected in the list of Schools in CALPADS Extracts. I can uncheck NPS when extracting STAS, but I'm sure I'll forget to check NPS when I run the SENR ODS extract, thus deleting NPS enrollments from CALPADS.
Amber Lunde commented
Please fix this! Too confusing to deselect schools for certain files.