CCGI Extract - Do Not Include Concurrent Enrollment Students in StudentTemplate File
Adjust the CCGI Extract to handle concurrent enrollment records in this manner for the extracted files:
StudentTemplate - include students once with their primary enrollment school
TestGradeTemplate - include students once with each of their college test score records
CourseGradeTemplate - include students once with each of their transcript records AND include students with each of their work in progress (i.e., current classes) records regardless of enrollment status

Sorry for the late notice, but this work item was released to our customers back in May of 2024. Here are the relevant Revision Notes:
- School Info > Imports and Exports > CCGI Extract - For students concurrently enrolled in more than one school, the extract now associates students only with their primary enrollment school in the StudentTemplate and TestGradeTemplate files, but includes all of their work-in-progress classes from primary and secondary enrollment schools in the CourseGradeTemplate file.
Chuck Lusin commented
Also, if you are using the Parental Consent, we are using the Table=STU, Field=U5. We run a query to set the U5 to a "N" for concurrent, and still the records are exported. I think that the filter need to be checked also.