CCGI Extract Does Not Include Duplicate Transcript Records in Same Term
The CCGI extract ignores the second course a student takes with the same course code, mark, credits attempted and credits completed in a single semester (we use F/S). Our quarter classes are not extracting correctly. The quarter classes are added to the transcript with the semester term values of 1 and 2, so some students will have 2 records with the same year, course code and term for their quarter classes. When these students receive the same mark for both quarters, then the 2nd mark will not be included in the CCGI Extract.

A fix for this issue was released on 10/26/2023. Here are the revision notes:
CCGI Extract - The extract only created one CourseGradeTemplate record for students with multiple transcript records with the same grade and year. Now the extract includes all transcript records.
kevin_vasquez commented
I was wondering what the status of this idea is?
Eric Wrye commented
This is definitely an issue!