Online Enrollment - Update Home Language Survey if blank
Online enrollment matching on a student that already exists in the system should update the LAC.L1-L4 if they are blank.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 7/30/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Student Data > Programs > Language Assessment - If a student has a language code in Online Enrollment but language codes are blank on the Language Assessment page, the language codes from Online Enrollment will now be imported and populate the language fields on the Language Assessment page. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.
Trish Chavez commented
Good morning,
Is there an update on this issue? Five months ago I was told the following:
Hi Trish Chavez,
Good afternoon.
Thank you for your patience while we waited for this issue to be presented at our Program meeting. Although there is no guaranteed date, we were able to get this item scheduled for research and development. We are hopeful for a fix in the first quarter of the new year, again, this is not a promise or a guarantee, but it is now on the schedule log. You were previously added to the Aeries Idea and will receive notifications as it is updated. Please feel free to leave comments, questions, or concerns at the Idea link itself.
Becky Barnes commented
This information should be the original information on Kinder HLS...or first enrolled in HLS becomes inaccurate
tfoster commented
This is a critical piece of information that needs to be address ASAP and not wait for transition to Cloud based platform. This 'idea' has been waiting for a long time to be implemented.
Kim LoVette commented
I would like to see this programming request completed as well. Aeries shouldn't allow blanks in the LAC.L1-L4 fields since this data is required for EL identification, testing, monitoring, etc. The data is also required for FPM audits. Thank you.
Hector commented
I would also like to see this programming request as well. We are having the issue if the student is either pre-enrolled or active the LAC HLS is blank either way. It would be helpful since this data gets reported to the State.