Test Scores sorting for the ELPAC 20-21 test parts
Change the default sorting of the Test Scores page so the ELPAC 2020-21 test parts sort correctly.
Suggestion is: Test Year from the TST.TD descending, Test ID ascending, Test Administration descending , and then Test Part ascending.

Hello, the bug has been completed in the 11/20/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Test Results
Minor follow up fixes were needed for the ELPAC 2019-20 Test, fixed.
The Test Layout name needed to be updated to ELPAC Test Results – SY:2019-20, fixed.
The Sorting of the Test Scores Table needed improvements for handling tests such as ELPAC/IELPAC where sub-tests can have different test dates, fixed.
Test Scores were not visually separated by school year, fixed.