District Assets-Add option to "filter" for items in the District Asset Detail Items tab.
From the District Assets "Resources/Assets", we'd like the ability to filter the "list" of Items the Asset has, by a search option by either item or bar code.
provide a "quick link" to the item details from the 'quick asset look up' page, by selecting the "item" number? It could link into asset detail "items" page? sometimes we just need a serial number or a mac address.

Hello, this idea has been completed in the 09/17/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes: https://support.aeries.com/support/discussions/topics/14000021011
Kim Pena commented
Yes, the ability to filter by item number or a quick "Go to Item" button is very much needed because we currently have to go page by page to get to a specific item. Thank you.