Teacher Attendance - Allow Quick Attendance Notes
To help with Hybrid instructions, Allow Quick Attendance Notes on the Teacher Attendance page.
For students engaged in distance learning on a particular day, a teacher must track the means by which the student engaged that day. Attendance Notes is a possible way to track this information instead of the Gradebook. But Attendance Notes are not easily added for large groups of students. This feature would make it a simple process of checking the correct box(es) for students on how they engaged that day.
Here are some possible ideas:
- Add a new Portal Option to list ATN.CD code values (comma separated list). This can be a simply text box and the user has to know which codes to put in. Maybe later we can add a nicer UI.
- Adjust Teacher Attendance page to display each identified ATN.CD code value as a new Column on the page after the Attendance Note column. The header should be the Code Description. The content on each row should be a simply check box to indicate that the student has an ATN record for that date in that period (also support Flex Scheduling structure of ATN linking the SE instead of period). Also next to each Checked item display a Comment Icon. Selecting or deselecting the check box for each item adds or deletes the Attendance Note. Confirm when they deselect. Clicking the Comment Icon should display a popup allowing the teacher to edit the comment field for that ATN record. Remember to look at the date selected by the teacher on this page, not the current date. Remember to refresh the check boxes if a teacher manually adds an attendance note using the traditional method.

Hello! This request was completed with the 8/28/2020 version of Aeries!
Jennifer Welch commented
Do you have any kind of eta on this?
I see that it is already an option in portal option. Can we just add the codes to ATN and let the teachers populate or will there be some other kind of feature coming out that we should wait for?
Jennifer Welch commented
@ Kathy Kelly
You could use the custom table feature to let schools add dates, periods, teachers, Synchronous, Asynchronous, but instead of by student, by class(section), like in ATT. It would be really cool if this auto populated the ATT with whatever code was for Engaged or Non-Engaged
Jennifer Welch
Karin Critoria commented
Can the weekly report also be updated with an option to include these notes?
Karen Gonzalez commented
Could we allow multiple entries for the same day to the attendance note.