Student Data Audit
on the Student Data Audit, the warning "Offense assigned to a different school" is displayed for students when ADS.SCL <> STU.SC. This includes students who have moved to a different school, who were enrolled at the school in the incident on the date of the incident. The report should check their enrollment and not display a warning for those students.
Hello, the changes to the Student Data Audit report have been completed in the 05/07/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Data Audit Report:
Students born inside the US were being warned with “The student initial US School Enrollment Date must be greater than 4 years from the student birth date”, fixed.
Also, Programs 300-306 now look at Eligibility dates instead of participation dates.
Also, a discipline warning was being unnecessarily generated by students who change schools “Offense assigned to a different school.”, fixed.
There are 2 additional fixes that are being made to the Student Audit report:
1. The Student Data Audit validation of STU.BD + 4 < LAC.USS is giving a validation error for students who are allowed to have LAC.USS blank. LAC.USS must be populated only if the student is an EL student. Please change the validation to only check students who are EL or who was born outside the US.
2. The CALPADS only fields highlight the eligibility fields on the program screen, however, the Student Data Audit Report displays an error if the participation dates are not populated. Report needs to just look at Eligibility. The following codes are eligibility programs:101, 127, 135, 162, 181, 182, 191, 192, 300-306.