Allow printing the 504 Plan in aeries in other languages

Linda Pete commented
When will Aeries offer the option for Section 504 plans to be translated into other languages.
Anonymous commented
Yes please
Deanna Yasaki commented
Gabrielle Murphy commented
Sheli Cryderman commented
Anonymous commented
Good idea.
Anonymous commented
Great idea.
Anonymous commented
This seems like a very helpful feature for everyone. Love the idea of more communication.
Laura Hackel commented
Families need equitable access to information about their kids' education.
Katalina Gallo commented
504 plans should be built in and made accessible to all stakeholders
Ingrid commented
It would be awesome if Aeries built in a translation tool so that all families could access reports in their primary language.
Barbara Scott commented
I think it is necessary for families to have equal access and I vote for allowing Aeries to print plan in parents language.
Claudia commented
Allow Aeries to print in other languages
Cyndi Mallory commented
Our students represent many languages outside of English. Aeries should represent as many language options as the program can handle.
Jenny Vargas commented
This would be incredibly helpful to our families.
Robinette commented
Yes. It's an Equity issue.
Anonymous commented
We need to be about to support all of our families in various languages.
Anonymous commented
Much needed option for many families!
Pam Humphrey commented
We have a very large hispanic community and we desperately need 504s to be able to be printed in Spanish.
Gabriela Padilla commented
Yes to printing 504 plans in other languages, this is an important accommodation to continue supporting our families.