Need AeriesCS Import Students form available in Web, also import student data
We need a way to import new student records into our database for the purpose of pre-enrollment similar to the Aeries CS import students form. We also need the ability to add data to existing student records like the Aeries CS form import\add data.

Hello, the idea has been completed in the 05/21/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Import Data to Aeries – A new tab has been added to the Import Data to Aeries page to Import Students into Aeries. This feature allows users to import new students from excel or csv files and includes functionality to auto-assign student SN and ID values.
Bret Painter commented
Import Data to Aeries in Web does a good job of addressing the needs satisfied by the Aeries CS form import\add data, but being able to Import Students, especially since or district feeder schools are not within our LEA would be a great help.