Aeries Ideas
252 results found
Make a report to track Chronic Absenteeism
We need the ability to easily pull Chronic Absenteeism information. Specifically, it would be nice to pull it by a date range; i.e. 8/19/2021 to 9/30/2021. With Chronic Absenteeism being so very important, it would be oh so dandy to have this be a report that we can have our sites run regularly.
159 votes -
Ability to hover over attendance note bubble and view note rather than having to click to view
We would like to like the ability to to hover over attendance note bubble and view the note rather than having to click to view.
130 votes -
Auto email teacher to notify of missing attendance until attendance is posted.
Auto email teachers to notify of missing attendance until attendance posted. Times could be based on period, ADA time or the portal setting. For example, if a teacher has until 5PM to take attendance for classes other than ADA, the teacher would get an auto email at 3:00, 4:00, 4:30, etc to remind the teacher to enter attendance.
126 votes -
Attendance Notes - Allow Uploading Documents
We have the ability to add notes to attendance, it would be helpful to add an upload feature for Dr notes and such. We are currently having our parents email us pictures of documents instead of handling paper. The system is working well with our parents, it would be great if we could then attach the picture directly to the Notes in attendance.
76 votes -
CA only - Include IS Complete in Days Present under Attendance summary bubble on Student Attendance page
In CA only, include the Days Independent Study complete (ABS.IS) numbers into Days Present and Att Percentage in the Attendance Summary bubble on the Student Attendance page. This change will not impact Attendance History page or the STAS extract.
70 votes -
Attendance Percentages Quick Print
Please add the student attendance percentages displayed on the attendance screen to the Attendance Quick Print Report.
70 votes -
Attendance Infograph for Parents
Create an attendance notification that can be sent to parents via text/email. The notification should contain the number of days the student has missed and a chart of absence thresholds. It should also contain the school phone number.
67 votes -
Color Coding for Attendance Notes
With distance learning and teachers writing notes for student attendance, the attendance office notes are getting lost. We would like the ability to have a specific color assigned for attendance notes by the attendance office only and teachers to have their own color. This way if we need to locate a note immediately, we only have to look at specific notes. Right now, we can't distinguish them since they are all the same color. For example, attendance office notes could stay red and teacher note be blue.
62 votes -
Absence Codes - Ability to Inactivate/Retire Codes
Because it is not recommended to delete codes for historical purposes, it would be great to have the ability to Inactivate/Retire Absence Codes. Especially with the current pandemic we may want to temporarily not use a code based on the type of learning occurring. It is easy to remove a code for teachers to access but office staff who have User accounts should have the ability to not see codes the district does not want them using. The Classroom Attendance pages needs to honor Inactive tags on Absence Codes.
60 votes -
Mass Add Attendance Notes
Currently, Mass Change Period Absences only works for updating one day at a time which means attendance notes can only be added one day at a time. It would be helpful to be able to update attendance notes for a date range, ex: add same attendance note 9/13/21-9/15/21.
52 votes -
Attendance Letters based on Percentages
Attendance Letters - create the ability to run attendance letters based on the percentage of absences of the number of days of school completed.
52 votes -
Update Attendance automatically based on Assertive Discipline suspension
When an Admin inputs a suspension within a student's Assertive Discipline, which notates the number of days the student is suspended and what dates, is there a way to make that automatically populate "S" as the all-day attendance code in that student's attendance? The student's attendance isn't always updated that day for suspensions. Then an attendance notification will out to the parent asking why the student was absent which would have been because they were suspended.
Thank you for your help.
38 votes -
Add a Monthly Attendance Report by Class or Teacher
Please add a Monthly Attendance Report by Class or Teacher similar to the Print Weekly Attendance Report by Class or Teacher.
37 votes -
Add ParentSquare Attendance Reponses to Attendance Notes in Aeries
For those with an API with Parent Square, it would be nice to be able to add the parent responses from Parent Square directly into Aeries Attendance Notes via the API.
36 votes -
Create a Seating Chart Report to run for ALL classes at once
You can print a Seating Chart from the screen however there is no report that can be generated for ALL seating charts like the old seating chart. It is rather frustrating to have to print a chart, pull up the next seating chart, click print, pull up the next chart etc. There needs to be one report for ALL.
In addition wen running report by Seating Chart new option, allow the ability to select which seating chart to print. Currently it is using the Default but sometimes a teacher has multiple charts for same period.
33 votes -
Attendance Notes Dropdown - code column not visible
Attendance Notes dropdown - Please swap places in the dropdown of how attendance notes are viewed by placing the code to the left of the description. A lot of instruction at the local level are written out with the code to use, but it's not easily visible in the dropdown.
27 votes -
Allow daily and period based attendance in the same school
We would like to be able to allow a single school to take both period based attendance and daily attendance (by grade).
Ex. K-8 school where K-5 is daily attendance and 6-8 is period based attendance.
26 votes -
District Attendance Letter Enhancements for Printing and Previewing
1) Please create a print preview for letters
2) Be able to add Logo on letters and have it pickup from Local Drive; url sometimes does not work
3) Honor Keep/Skip
4) Option to include or exclude Digital copies from Letters to Print25 votes -
New Attendance Summary Report for P1 and P2
Need a new report, similar to the Monthly Attendance Summary, that allows the ability to enter a date-range, so that days on the calendar after the P1 and P2 cutoff dates are not included.
24 votes -
Attendance Management - Mass Add Attendance Notes Without Absence
Currently, the Attendance Management screen can add absences with or without notes, but you cannot do the inverse and add only notes without an absence code. Since we are using notes to track engagement, this means that clerks have a difficult time adding notes for classes.
22 votes
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