Aeries Ideas
120 results found
Highlight both student and assignment rows when inputting grades.
Increase visibility and accuracy by not only highlighting the student whose grade is being entered like is already available, but also highlight the assignment you are putting in. This would create an easily identified intersection of student and assignment. Often when staring at the gradebook, your vision can get blurry, and this could help prevent mistakes.
3 votes -
Gradebook - Mass change assignments to visible
An option to be able to mass change the visible to portal option on assignments in gradebooks.
5 votes -
Push New Assignment to Gradebooks
Add New Assignment pop up window - Push New Assignment to Selected Gradebooks option - Add the Hide Past Gradebooks option that is on the Scores by Assignment Push Assignment feature.
2 votes -
Warning on the Link Gradebook page when using Linked Gradebooks with Google Classroom
Place a warning on the Link Gradebook page to let the end user know that Importing Assignments into Linked Gradebooks is not supported. Only one Aeries Gradebook can be linked to a Single Google Classroom, if more than one Aeries Gradebook is linked, unexpected results may occur.
3 votes -
Grade Threshold Alerts Gradebook Title
When Aeries sends out the threshold alerts to parents, it pulls the period from what the teacher enters during gradebook setup, it makes more sense that it should reference the master schedule class title. We have parents complaining that they can't tell what class is sending it out if the teacher didn't set it up normally. The Flex Period might not describe what class this is for, so it makes more sense to use the Gradebook or MST course title.
4 votes -
Allow the ability to not choose formative or summative for an assignment.
Some teachers would like the option to have the assignment in gradebook without it being categorized. Another option would be to allow the teachers to hide this detail from students.
1 vote -
Create Shared Gradebooks functionality
MST.TN is the Teacher of Record.
MST.TN2 and MST.TN3, co-teaching fields, should have the MST.TN gradebooks auto-populate in their Teacher Portal accounts mirroring the Teacher of Record setup.
Create a parent/child relationship within shared gradebooks : mirror linked or unlinked gradebooks as the Teacher of Record.
This would mean the Teacher of Record would have to approve all gradebook changes - this would prevent gradebooks from disappearing.
Additionally adding a gradebook option where the Teacher of Record (parent gradebook) would allow a TN2 and/or TN3 co-teacher (child gradebooks) RUID access to make change in the gradebook without the Teacher of…
1 vote -
Importing grade from excel file to an assignment - match on student email
When importing a grade from an excel file to an assignment add an email category to line up with because many assessment tools use the email and not a student id.
2 votes -
Add automation to Backup Gradebooks
Allow district to select dates and/or re-occurrences of the Backup Gradebooks. This ensure that all is captured and available.
14 votes -
Add ability to Print Name and ID on Gradebook Summary
Want teachers to be able to print the Name and ID on the Gradebook Summary Report. We use this report as part of our end of term grading process and keep this information for challenge grade. We need on comprehensive report that list the student's assignments and their name and ID.
5 votes -
Gradebook Missing Assignments Percentage
Quantify the number of missing assignments for students, perhaps give a percentage of missing assignments compared to the overall assignments given.
4 votes -
GBK: Assignments by Students and Formative/Summative to view
Add the Assignment Type (Formative - F or Summative - S) on this view. This would allow teachers to view student performance on assigned courses - especially in a Standard - Based gradebook for secondary students.
2 votes -
Color Code on Assignment Type when viewing on Scores by Class
Now that you can view the Assigment type on the Scores by Class - color code them with a color - yellow/green blue/yellow. Anything to make the view easier on Scores by Class.
1 vote -
Filter for Assignment Type on Scores By Class
Now that the Formative (F) and Summative (S) assignment types can be displayed, add the ability to sort by assignment type on the Scores by Class view.
1 vote -
Allow assignments to be sorted by Date Assigned in Add Assignments by DEFAULT
All assignment numbers currently default to being sorted by Due Date. The class options page only allows you to sort by number in the Scores by Class page. When you go to the Add Assignment page, it automatically shows assignments by Due Date. You have to click the # button to sort it by number and every time you enter and edit an assignment, the page reverts to being sorted by Due Date. Waiting for the page to reload by # each time is time consuming.
2 votes -
Long Description of Content Standards made visible to parent in gradebook
Please add content standards long description to the grade book so parents can under the content standard instead of just viewing the number. I attached a document to explain with an example of my request.
4 votes -
OneRoster - Allow Assignments to Automatically Have "Grading Complete"
Please create an option to automatically set the "grading complete" status for assignments created via oneroster grade passback or API. Alternatively, please add a "mark all grading complete" button to the gradebook interface.
2 votes -
Create a process to load grades from Gradebook using the multi-school access option.
Allow teachers to load grades from Gradebook when using the multi-school option. Currently teachers can associate multi-school gradebooks, however they cannot load the grades without changing school sites.
2 votes -
Provide parents ability to downloads grades as CSV file
Provide the ability for parents and students to download assignments, grades and grad history as a CSV file.
1 vote -
Legend to include what that counts for Excluding Assignments (NA and TX)
It would be great to include in the legend on the Scores by Class page,what teachers can input in order to exclude an assignment. It's not noted in the legend and unless you just "guess" you don't know that you can input NA and TX in the score field to exclude a assignment.
1 vote
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