Aeries Ideas
120 results found
Gradebook Summary - Print Flex Period Title instead of Sequence
When using flex scheduling, the Gradebook Summary report shows the Record ID for the period. We'd like to request that this be changed to show the short title instead.
1 vote -
Gradebook - Assignment Defaults
I would like the ability to set defaults when creating a new assignment. For example, I would like the date due to be the date on which I am creating the assignment (they are posted on Teams) the date assigned to be the previous day's date and scoring completed to be checked automatically.
Other teachers might appreciate the ability to always set the due date 2 days in the future or something like that.
3 votes -
Gradebook - Make "what if" feature available for Teachers
Teachers sometimes want to point out to a students that if they could achieve score X on assignment Y, how that would affect their Mark in the class. If the "what if" feature was available, it would make it easy for the teacher to know whether a specific score would be enough.
2 votes -
Enhance Gradebook Emulation Logging
Enhance Gradebook Emulation Logging - Provide enhanced logging when multiple layers of emulation are used with Gradebook. Ex: An Admin who is emulating another user who then emulates a teacher to make gradebook changes (2 layers).
2 votes -
Gradebook Final Marks for SBG - Allow to edit the marks for each Gradebook
In recent updates the ability to have different final marks within the gradebook when using SBG was removed. Now all schools have to utilize the same final marks within the gradebook. I believe it would be more appropriate for schools to be able to customize their marks based on their school's needs/approach to grading since different school communities are unique.
4 votes -
Gradebook - Adjust Start and End Dates When Using Grading Periods
In a school that uses Grading Periods and has the School Option "Use Grading Periods Instead of Terms in GBK" checked, when a teacher Adds a new Gradebook and selects sections that include two or more terms, then the Gradebook Start Date should be the earliest start date of the selected sections, and the Gradebook End Date should be the latest end date of the selected sections.
2 votes -
Allow for an assignment due date to be different for an individual student
Allow for an assignment to be designated with a different assignment due date for individual students.
Currently we can do this for an entire class, but it would be very helpful per individual.5 votes -
Allow for an escape button to be used when inputting scores.
Allow for an escape button to be used when inputting scores.
Sometimes an accidental click in the gradebook happens. If there was data there,
it is immediately deleted upon the accidental click in the cell.
If we could escape out of that cell and retain the original data, that would be amazing.
Without it, I need to track down the original paper that had the score on it....that's
super annoying.3 votes -
Allow for an assignment to be designated as "do not drop" for an individual
Allow for an assignment to be designated as "do not drop" for an individual.
Currently we can do this for an entire class, but it would be very helpful per individual.
An example is when a student is caught cheating on a quiz and earns a ZERO. If we allow
for one quiz drop for the semester, I want to make sure THAT quiz is not dropped and the
student keeps that zero.4 votes -
Add filter option to Gradebook Details page
Please add a filter option to the Gradebook Details page, that would allow teachers to filter/hide inactive gradebooks attached to a student's record.
3 votes -
Gradebook Summary Report - Add option to print the actual missing assignments instead of the number missing
Gradebook Summary report - add option to print the actual missing assignments instead of just the number of missing assignments. This would help our VP and Counselors see a true gradebook summary profile of their students. Ref ticket 379338
6 votes -
Class Summary Gradebook format change when zoomed in 200%
Small thing, when teachers with poor eye sight zoom in on their browser (tested with chrome) 200% (yes they zoomed this much) the formatting adds a teacher field that says "Null". Can this be removed or add the teacher name?
1 vote -
Gradebook Assignment Number
Gradebook - If an assignment number is 32768 or greater the assignment is unable to be deleted.
Provide a warning message to alert the user that the assignment number needs to be a lower value than 32768.2 votes -
Allow teacher to change gradebook score codes to a score easier
When teachers use the temporary code of TX - Temp Excused they currently have to locate those scores and change them to a score or to a zero. Is there a way to mass change those or filter by those codes to make them easier to change?
1 vote -
Gradebook - Please Add Numeric Narrative Grades
Our district is going full CBE grading, and we need the ability to create two distinct categories (sets) with different grading scales as follows: formative (foundational) work graded at a 2.0 target (with 1.5, 1.0, and 0.50 possible scores), and summative assessments graded at a 3.0 target (with 2.5 and 2.0 possible, as well as an A+ ceiling of 3.5 or 4.0 possible for work above and beyond). Our Final Grades are tabulated on a scale of 4 as well, with 3.0-3.49 being an A overall.
The easiest way to do what we need would be narrative grades, so we…
1 vote -
Update the keyboard tab order for Gradebook scores by student comment entry
Please reorder the Tab controls for this pop-up so that a user can press Tab one time to go from the Comment field to the Save button.
1 vote -
Ability to resize gradebook columns
Teacher request: Is there a way to shrink down the column size so you can see more assignments in the gradebook on one page? I don't want to shrink down the % size of the screen or set up a 2nd monitor. Everyone I've asked says it's not a feature. Excel has it, but not Aeries?
2 votes -
Remove access to Gradebook for staff members who have an End Date in section staff
When a staff member has an end date in Section staff, remove access to that sections gradebooks, even if the staff member originally created the gradebook. Currently the staff member who created a gradebook always has access to it, and there is no mechanism in the Aeries UI to remove that access.
6 votes -
Gradebook Custom Colors including Extra Credit when there are no points
I set a custom color to make all assignments scored from 0% to 69% show up light red. Overall this worked correctly, but extra credit assignments are all showing up red, regardless of if they have any points entered, which is not the behavior I would expect. If anything extra credit should show up in the light green Aeries uses for assignments scored > 100%
1 vote -
Gradebook - Allow Teachers to Select SBG or GRD Gradebook Type
In schools that administer both SBG and GRD grades, allow teachers to select the type of gradebook they are creating or editing (either SBG or GRD) even if the school is not using Grading Periods.
11 votes
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