Aeries Ideas
120 results found
Create option to delete recurring assignments in bulk
We have had a teacher create over 100 recurring assignment. It created over 100 of the same assignments in 5 gradebooks. Would like the option to delete recurring assignments in bulk instead of teacher deleting individually.
9 votes -
Gradebook Assignment By Student Report is Auto Created and emailed to the teacher after a student is deleted
When a student is deleted from the Manage Students tab, Gradebook creates a backup of the student's data just in case this data is ever needed or if by chance the deletion was in error.
That is great, but is it possible the email to the teachers can help explain what is going on, rather than a confusing email?
Maybe the email needs something like: "We noticed a change in your rosters, so we are making a backup of your gradebook "
The current email report teachers receive is confusing and a large portion of our teachers are panicked that…
34 votes -
Gradebook - Add an Option to hide Missing Assignment Counter
I am going to enter manually running cummulative scores from several platforms. So, the assignment completion and scores will be saved and stored in those platforms and only the overall score will be typed into aeries..... If it says 0 missing assignments in aeries, there may actually be many missing assignments......
Is there an way that we could create an option which could say: Missing assignments are not indicated. Please see the platforms where your work is graded and stored.
2 votes -
4 votes
Please center the Gradebook name on the Class Summary on the Profile Page
In Aeries, on the profile page for each student, the Gradebook section has a formatting issue where the name of each gradebook is not centered in the space - they are all at the top of the space.
I know this is a small thing, but makes Aeries look less than amazing. And it's amazing!
2 votes -
Display Student ID in Gradebook
There is a new feature that allows the display of the Student ID directly in the gradebook. It would be helpful to allow the option of showing the “Student Number” instead.
3 votesThe Aeries Student ID number is unique to each student, and generally never changes. In the spirit of eliminating the student number throughout Aeries, which does change over time, we have decided to decline this request. It is still open for voting and comments and we will review in the future based on feedback received.
Teacher Gradebook - Add Ability to Easily Recalculate GRD Grades
We need the ability for teachers and admin users to be able to recalculate quarter or semester GRD grades after the grades have been initially posted by the teacher. For example, if a student turns in missing work and the teacher needs to adjust the grade, we'd like them to be able to make the changes to the assignment grades as usual but then just hit a button to recalculate and update the GRD grades instead of going through a multi-step/multi-screen process.
1 vote -
Weight assignments that are categorized as rubric
Teachers at my site would like to be able to weight different assignments in Aeries- so an assignment that students worked on for three days could be worth more than a ten minute homework assignment, or a test could be worth more than a quiz. This is currently not possible with rubric assignment, Aeries can only calculate a straight average of all rubric assignments.
1 vote -
Allow easier updating of Gradebook Grade Range values
Currently, gradebook grade range values are taken from the TCH LO/HI or SSI LO/HI values and cannot be updated once a gradebook is created. Please allow these to be updated when changing TCH LO/HI or SSI LO/HI. Also allow the Copy Gradebook process to copy the grade range to the new gradebook.
14 votes -
Option to remove "overall" score from standards gradebook
Would like to seen an option to remove the "overall" score from the standards gradebook. For districts fully implementing the Marzano philosophy of grading, each standard should stand on its own and not be "averaged" into an overall mark/grade.
3 votes -
Gradebook Assignments By Student Report-Filtering Option for Category Grade vs. Overall Grade
I would like to request a filtering option be added to the Gradebook Assignments by Student report under the options tab to be able to target students who are below/above a specified percentage in any Category versus just the overall grade in the gradebook.
3 votes -
Gradebook assignment wording inconsistency
The assignment settings have inconsistent labeling. One area says Visible to Parents, at the Assignment by class page. And the other says Visible to Portal, once you click Edit on the assignment.
3 votes -
Gradebook - Allow teachers to choose whether options are remembered when adding assignments
Aeries recently amended the Add Assignment table in teachers gradebooks where Aeries remembers the last assignment added by the teacher, as far as category, number correct possible and points possible. Teachers are requesting the ability to opt out of this feature where the number correct possible and points possible defaults back to 0 and the category defaults back to the top instead of remembering their last entry when adding assignments into their gradebook.
5 votes -
Standards Based Progress Dashboard for Non-Rubric Gradebooks
Add a report or dashboard that shows the current grade percentage and/or trend for each student and each standard to meet SMART Goals.
2 votes -
Gradebook Summary Report - Add Ability to run from Admin Portal under View All Reports
Currently you can only run the Gradebook Summary by Student report from the admin portal with a teacher selection option. It would be extremely helpful to administrators if they could run the Gradebook Summary Report that is available in the Teacher Portal to review the current status of a teacher's entire class/gradebook.
5 votes -
Restrict the capacity of E-mail text EML.TXT
Teachers are sending emails with large images in the message and they are taking up too much space in our database. We would like to reduce the capacity of the field or restrict the ability to add images.
1 vote -
Gradebook should have the quick change site option ( like the rest of Aeries )
We have teachers who teach at multiple schools and would like a quick-site change option drop down, in grade book, like the rest of Aeries.
1 vote -
Import Gradebook Assignment Comments from Spreadsheet
When we import grades from a spreadsheet, can you please allow for comment imports! We spend so much time adding comments to student work that it would be great to have the option to import comments along with the student ID number and total score.
Thanks!6 votes -
Display Gradebook Terms as Trimesters for a Trimester School
On the Manage Gradebook/Edit Gradebook page, the Gradebook Terms for a trimester school are currently displaying as Quarters.
8 votes -
Add Translations for Gradebook Reports
Please add translations for the Gradebook reports for easier communication with parents.
6 votes
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