Gradebook - Please Add Numeric Narrative Grades
Our district is going full CBE grading, and we need the ability to create two distinct categories (sets) with different grading scales as follows: formative (foundational) work graded at a 2.0 target (with 1.5, 1.0, and 0.50 possible scores), and summative assessments graded at a 3.0 target (with 2.5 and 2.0 possible, as well as an A+ ceiling of 3.5 or 4.0 possible for work above and beyond). Our Final Grades are tabulated on a scale of 4 as well, with 3.0-3.49 being an A overall.
The easiest way to do what we need would be narrative grades, so we can create the two different sets; however, currently the ONLY outcome for these sets is an alpha result (A, B, C, etc.). It would be EXTREMELY useful if we could simply have access to change the "A" to a "2.0" or "3.0," for instance, and the other alpha values to the other numeric values we need. In fact, this would be the biggest win for us, as we're trying to prove that Aeries can work to report CBE grades. This would seal the deal.