Aeries Ideas
252 results found
Mass Add Attendance Note - Add Comment
When mass updating the attendance notes, it would be helpful if the comment field could also be mass updated to capture any specific notes for the day. Currently, I can select a note to mass update and even type in the comment field, but the comment does not populate to all of the student records.
7 votes -
Teacher Attendance - Please Include Section Number
We have created AM/PM/DL sections to fit into our Blended Distance Learning model. Each teacher has an AM section (only AM kids) PM section (Only PM kids) DL section (all kids) and we have used specific numbers to indicate which one is which. Great idea except the Section number doesn't show on the Teacher's Attendance page.
5 votes -
Mass Update ATT Codes - Allow Update From Blank
For Distance Learning Attendance in the functionality of the Mass Update ATT Codes screen - Please allow us to make the change FROM a "blank" code to [any code].
6 votes -
Allow attendance to be submitted by Section
We have an unusual situation at our middle school where staff are primary teachers a limited number of sections per day, but moderate for other teachers at other times. This means that there are situations where a teacher's section might meet on M/W/F but they moderate on Tu/Th for a section that meets on Tu/Th/F. On Fridays, both sections show up for both teachers during that period on the attendance page. If one teacher takes attendance and submits, it's submitted for BOTH sections.
It would be REALLY GREAT for teachers to be able to select the section for which they…4 votes -
Teacher Attendance Notifications - Add ability to disable or change the frequency of alerts
The "Attendance has been updated" notifications that display while teachers take attendance may cover the attendance check boxes and while scrolling the page. This may commonly affect touch screen devices while being used in a positive attendance school. Adding the ability to either disable the notifications or display one alert over each other would help.
1 vote -
On the Class Summary page, the Attendance "Past 5 Days" column, shows attendance for gradebooks in the Future Terms section.
The Student Profile, Class Summary section displays attendance recorded for future terms when it has not.
4 votes -
Attendance Management Mass Add Verification Pop-Up
When Mass Add button is clicked, please display a verification pop-up before processing the request.
1 vote -
Teacher Attendance - Option to Alphabetize Students Rather Than Split By Section
Due to distance learning, students have been split into scheduled groupings. In teacher attendance, these sections also split the students into alphabetized groupings rather than having all students listed alphabetically. Having an option to take attendance alphabetically instead of by section would make it easier for teachers to take attendance.
13 votes -
Teacher Attendance page ability to hide the "A" absent column
Currently the teacher attendance page can have the Tardy "T" and "P" column hidden by blanking out the absence code in portal options. Please do the same for the "A" absent columns.
16 votes -
New report needed for Custom Bell Schedules and the Calendar
Please create a report that prints the information from the custom bell schedule (BEL) and which Key is linked to which Date in the Calendar (DAY).
13 votes -
Absence Codes - Ability to Inactivate/Retire Codes
Because it is not recommended to delete codes for historical purposes, it would be great to have the ability to Inactivate/Retire Absence Codes. Especially with the current pandemic we may want to temporarily not use a code based on the type of learning occurring. It is easy to remove a code for teachers to access but office staff who have User accounts should have the ability to not see codes the district does not want them using. The Classroom Attendance pages needs to honor Inactive tags on Absence Codes.
60 votes -
Teacher Portal - New Attendance Report with Selectable Date-Range
Teachers should be able to select a date range to look at attendance metrics for a student. This is very helpful for teachers working with students who have attendance goals.
We need to see how many full days absent in total, how many period absences in total, how many period lates in total total, how many period tardies in total, how many period truancies in total and overall attendance rate for a specified time period. We should be able to print out this date range information in a format that is understandable to parents and other adults in English and/or…
5 votes -
Attendance Management - Does Not Show Dashes Like on Student Attendance
On the student Attendance page, -'s (dashes) are displayed based on CAR to denote when the student is supposed to be in class that day. We use a block schedule and have students with 6, 7, or 8 periods. Without the -'s our attendance staff is having a hard time determining if the All Day code should be marked.
4 votes -
Add more filter options to the Attendance Dashboard
For the he Attendance dashboard and Discipline dashboards (the ones not found in Aeries Analytics). He would like to be able to add more filter options to these dashboards? Maybe include grade level and enrollment by student program (SP and/or AttPrg1,AttPrg2).
7 votes -
The Attendance Dashboard "Days Present" total should exclude any Absent (ABS) code defined as Verified Not Absent.
The Attendance Dashboard "Days Present" total should exclude any Absent (ABS) code defined as Verified Not Absent. Students on independent study Incomplete are neither present nor absent. It should also not display 100% on days marked as staff development in calendar.
5 votes -
New Attendance Summary Report for P1 and P2
Need a new report, similar to the Monthly Attendance Summary, that allows the ability to enter a date-range, so that days on the calendar after the P1 and P2 cutoff dates are not included.
24 votes -
District Attendance Letter Enhancements for Printing and Previewing
1) Please create a print preview for letters
2) Be able to add Logo on letters and have it pickup from Local Drive; url sometimes does not work
3) Honor Keep/Skip
4) Option to include or exclude Digital copies from Letters to Print25 votes -
Display Attendance Totals for Teachers
My teachers are asking if it is possible to include totals at the bottom of their attendance screens for each column (absent, tardy, late truant) for the given period they are teaching for the day. Right now they have to scroll up and down the class list and tally the numbers of students absent or tardy or ill.
6 votes -
Enrollment History - Add Updated By User Fields
In Aeries, the Enrollment History screen does not show who made a change. This is a suggestion to add additional information on the Enrollment History screen instead of having to rely on analyzing the LOG table in the backend.
7 votes -
Teacher Attendance - Make the ALL Present button a Color
We would like Aeries to make the “All Present “ button a color so teachers would notice it needs to clicked. All were present. Thank you :)
10 votes
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