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87 results found

  1. Grading Periods - Display Grading Period colors to the Gradebook Dashboard.

    Grading Periods - Display Grading Period colors to the Gradebook Dashboard.

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  2. Initialize New Grade Reporting Cycle

    Add an option to initialize for a single student, similar to the option to initial for a single section.

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  3. Grading Window Timeframes

    We get many districts asking for specific grading windows close times (i.e. 8am, or 3pm). It would be great if the grading windows under Portal Options could accommodate an exact date and time the user could specify. Right now since it defaults to midnight, we have to manually go in and close a window if a site wants it to close at 8am on a particular day.

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  4. Allow GRC Valid Marks to be retired so they do not show on Teachers grademark dropdown

    Allow GRC Valid Marks to be retired so they do not show on Teachers grademark dropdown

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  5. UC/CSU Graduation Status Summary By Subject Area

    Under the Graduation/College Readiness Dashboard can you add UC/CSU tabs that will show Graduation Status Summary by Subject Area of students on/off track by letter grade not credits completed. Since UC/CSU requirements are based on a letter grade the student receives for each course and subject.

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  6. Zip Code Count report for report cards

    Allow the zip codes count report to be printed, along with report cards, like it did in the Client.

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  7. Teacher Portal Grades - Option to Show Students by Section of Alphabetically

    Grade Reporting > Grades: Is there a way to visually differentiate it using section headings?

    From the teacher:
    Since our students were split into AM/PM/DL sections, the "Grades" tool in Aeries no longer lists the students in alphabetical order. They appear to be sorted by section but the page isn't split up in any way (screenshot below). This is challenging for entering grades manually because the student listings no longer line up in ECHO/Aeries and we have to carefully search for each student in order to enter their grade. We are still able to enter grades but I don't think…

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  8. CSF Eligibility Report should honor report tags/query tags

    In the Client version of Aeries, the CSF Eligibility report honored Query Tags. Please add this same functionality to Aeries Web as Report Tags.

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  9. Teacher Portal Grade Screen: alphabetical student sort

    After some of the updates that were put in place at the beginning of the 2020 school year, the order of student names on the Teacher Portal Grade Screen changed from a straight alphabetical list of the students in that period to a list organized first by section, then alphabetical by student.

    This new order makes it awkward for many of our teacher to enter Citizenship, Work Habits & Comments by student, as they are used to seeing their period roster listed alphabetically and not split by section. They need to scan multiple 'sub-lists' on the page to find a…

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  10. Grade Reporting and Transcripts - Support Inactive Valid Marks.

    We wanted to remove the + and - (B+, B-, C+...) grades going forward. We cannot do it because the Valid Marks for the current year are used to determine the cumulative GPA. Grades in previous years that had the + and - were being excluded from the calculations. We had to add them back. If the system would support inactivating valid marks, we could leave them there for calculation purposes, but no one could use them going forward.

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  11. Print Cal Grant GPA on transcript

    Please add an option to Print Cal Grant GPA on transcript.

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  12. 18 votes

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  13. Attach files to report card comments

    It would be useful if teachers were able to attach files (such as a progress summary export from student software) to report cards, in addition to the existing comments they can input, for parents to access when viewing the report card through the parent portal.

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  14. Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions should limit the Description characters.

    Grade Report Cards - When entering Grade Reporting Codes and Descriptions, Academic Marks, the description allows you to enter many more characters than will print on report card legend.
    The form should limit to the number of characters than will fit/ print on the GRD report cards.

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  15. The Grade Report Exception Listing does not support Secondary Standard Based Grade Reporting (GRS).

    The Grade Report Exception Listing does not support Secondary Standard Based Grade Reporting (GRS).

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  16. Allow teachers to make actual comments on grades instead of the limited choices

    Many times the 3 options allowed does not even begin to describe what I really want to convey to parents or what really should be on the report card.

    Create a new option called Manual and when chosen allows a teacher to enter a freeform textbox up to 1000 characters to enter whatever they want. Disk space is cheap. To put it in perspective:

    If every teacher in the district, writes a comment for every student for every grading period (6 teachers x 11500 Students x 8 grading periods x 1000 characters ) this would equate to 552 Megabyts or…

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  17. Copy grades to history should overwrite instead of creating a duplicate

    At the middle school, after grades are completed, our office staff would click on copy grades to history to update transcript.
    Oftentimes, they would click on the button again and the transcripts end up with duplicate grades with the header that says "work in progress."
    When this happens, we would reach out to support for a SQL query that we can run to clear the history.
    Is it possible for this function to be disabled after it's run the first time? Or if it's run the second time, could it overwrite instead of create a duplicate one?

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  18. New Grade Report Cards option: not display page numbers

    The Grade Report Cards report always displays page numbers. The customer would like an option to not print page numbers.

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  19. Increase the field size for Grade Reporting Citizenship and Work Habit codes

    Grade Reporting Codes & Descriptions allows users to add two characters in
    GRD CI and GRD WH but the fields will not accept two characters

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  20. IB Test scores on Aeries Transcripts

    Allow IB Grade test scores to print on the Transcripts instead of the Scaled Total

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