Aeries Ideas
221 results found
Add Student Alias to the Off Campus Pass report options
Add Student Alias to the Off-Campus Pass report options
4 votes -
Add Student Alias to the Readmit Slips report options
Add Student Alias to the Readmit Slip report options
4 votes -
SELA Conflict Report under View All Reports
When the SELA Conflict report is selected from under View All Reports, have the default schools that are auto-selected align with what schools are selected on the CALPADS Extracts page.
2 votes -
Save PDF of Suspension Letter within Aeries Letter Log
Similar to how report cards can be pushed to Report Card History and District Attendance letters push PDFs of generated Attendance Letters to Letter Log, we'd like to see printed Suspension Letters be stored as PDFs in Aeries.
3 votes -
TX - Threshold Grade Report
Include option to choose "Grading Snapshots" on Threshold Grade Report.
6 votes -
Standards Based Grades Report Card Title to print "Report to Parents/Guardians" to be more inclusive
Under the School District Name, please change the report title to: REPORT TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS - SECOND GRADE. Currently, it only includes REPORT TO PARENTS - SECOND GRADE for example.
3 votes -
Add the option to run the daily enrollment for teacher report by period
Would it be possible to add the option to run the daily enrollment for teacher report by period so it will combine multiple sections a teacher could be teaching during that period.
1 vote -
Add Sort Option on Program Report to print by Program
Add an option to allow districts to view the results from the Program Report by specific/selected programs.
4 votes -
Attendance Audit Listing District Summary
In Aeries CS, the Attendance Audit Listing report ran at the district level with a summary page at the end that would total the error counts by school.
This allowed district staff to require specific schools to attend a district-hosted "cleanup day" at the computer lab.
The summary page was gone after Aeries CS moved to Aeries Web. We would like to have it back to aid in monitoring the error cleanup process at schools from a district level.Bonus asks/points:
-Have the report send an email when it is complete
-Allow report to be run using the [School Groups]…1 vote -
Include a way to include advisory/homeroom teacher in GPA Summary Listing By Mark report
Our middle schools would like to be able to include the homeroom/advisory teacher to the report.
2 votes -
Allow Users in Section Staff Schools Access to the Grade Report Mark Analysis
After switching to Section Staff we took away rights to the teacher (TCH) table so teachers are not updated in that table any longer. Our users lost the ability to pull the Grade Report Mark Analysis report.
3 votes -
"Print Avery 5160 Labels" report - Add sort by grade option
I would like an option to sort by Grade Level on the "Print Avery 5160 Labels" report.
Our schools are currently querying to limit by a grade level and then running the report for each grade level with a student name sort. It would be much easier if they could choose to sort by grade level and have them all print out alphabetically within their respective grades.
2 votes -
Non-Suit Reporting
We want to have a column on Aeries like attendance where we can mark students non-suits. Have the column linked to messages where when we mark the non suit it will automatically call and inform the parents similar to absences and tardy. Also, have it keep a running total of the non-suits so that the student, parent, teachers, and admin can view at any time.
57 votes -
supplemental attendance class roster sort by grade
We would like an option to sort the students listed in this report by grade level.
We have a master list with over 100 students listed, but they are only ever listed by last name alphabetically. We would like an option to sort the students listed in the report by grade level. (This could be either a checkbox for all results, or a subset sorting option for certain sorting selections.
(This may end up looking similar to the "Period Absence Audit" report which has different sorting options including subset sorting when selecting by student or by teacher. I click on…
1 vote -
TX - Class Roster Report: Add Student Filters Currently Enrolled and Enrolled During Reporting Period
TX - Class Roster Report: Add Student Filters Currently Enrolled and Enrolled During Reporting Period:
If a student has a course attendance record for the reporting period selected, the student should be included on the Class Roster Report whenever Enrolled during the Reporting Period Selected is chosen.1 vote -
Data Audit Informational messages
Student Data Audit - For Program fields that are not state reporting highlighted fields, display them on the audit report as informational instead of errors.
Ex: Participation program without participation start date for PGM.CD = 1933 votes -
Grade Mark Analysis - by Department
Add the ability to sort by Department to this report.
1 vote -
Print Smarter Balanced Cards (SBAC) - CAASPP Report Options
Smarter Balanced Cards should have the Student ID Cards Reports options as well.
For example, I would like to Print the SBAC cards with the State ID, Student Picture, Student Grade, and Teacher.
1 vote -
Create a Pop-Up/Alert for RFEP Students
I think it would be a good idea to have an alert or pop-up when there are upcoming or missing RFEP entries. This would allow the site ELPA to pull a report but also notify the teachers when entering their attendance that something is missing. Making sure reclassification data is accurate and timely will help ensure students are getting the support they need and the correct monitoring. This is a helpful alert to to stay on top of this special population.
1 vote -
Grade Report Exception Listing - Add Grading Snapshots
Grade Report Exception Listing - Add Grading Snapshots
2 votes
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