TX: TREx Export - TE104 data element
Remove TE104 data element (FHSP-Disting-Level-Achieve-Indicator-Code) and replace with TE164 and TE165 (Disting-Level-Achievement-Graduate & FHSP-Disting-Level-Participant)

Hello, I wanted to let you know that work on this item was completed and it was released to customers on 9/24/24. Here are the relevant revision notes:
Student Data > Demographics (Export button)
- The FHSPDistingIndicatorCode element (TE104) is no longer extracted, as it was removed from the data standards by TEA.
- The export now includes the FHSPDistingLevelParticipant element (TE165) for students who have an Activities and Awards record where the Type field (ACT.TY) is 4, the Code field (ACT.CD) is DLA, and the Reason field (ACT.RS) is DLA-1, indicating that the student is pursuing the distinguished level of achievement program under FHSP. See TREx Field Mapping.
- The export now includes the DistingLevelAchievementGraduate element (TE164) for students who have an Activities and Awards record where the Type field (ACT.TY) is 4, the Code field (ACT.CD) is DLA, and the Reason field (ACT.RS) is DLA-2, or where the Type field (ACT.TY) is 4 and the Code field (ACT.CD) is TEC indicating that the student completed the distinguished level of achievement program under FHSP or Texas First Early High School Completion Program. See TREx Field Mapping.