SBG Grading - Staff Member End Date needs to expire at 11:59PM when populated
SBG Grading - Section Staff Members that have an End Date populated should be able to enter SBG grades through midnight of that date populated in SSE.ED. Currently, teachers are not able to enter grades unless they extend the date by 1 day.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 2/11/25 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Standards Based Grades - Section Staff records that had the same end date that matched the SBG portal window close date, were not able to enter grades on the last day of the window. Now, section staff can enter grades through the last day of the portal window when the section staff record was of the same date.
Rachael Smith commented
This issue is only occurring for Flex Scheduling Setup sites and when using Standards Based Grades submissions and it is not limited to just Subs or non primary staff, as it also happens for any primary teacher of record when they have an end date populated on the master schedule under the Section Staff Member end date field and that date is set for the last day that the grading window is open through portal options, as the teacher is then not able to submit grades. Once we set the end date for one day later, then the SBG grades are able to be submitted.
This issue does not happen for any grades being submitted under the Grades table though, only SBG has the problem. Thank you for looking into this issue!