CCGI - Upload CCGI Extract to CCGI via SFTP
One cool new option for your CCGI export, would be to enter the district's SFTP information into the export, and have the long running process automatically send to CCGI.

arizmendia commented
will be very useful
Chuck Lusin commented
The Cal State Universities are all now relying on the information from CCGI. Therefore they are asking for daily uploads. Since this what the Cal State Universities are using to mail (maybe email) the students a code that covers the cost of applications and guarantees admission to 18 CSU campuses
Also, even if the parent has opted out of CCGI, they are now saying that all students need to be in the StudentTemplate.csv file.
Doug Hawkins commented
We are needing to increase the frequency of our uploads in addition to the need of automating this issue.
Doug Hawkins commented
We are a CCGI Partner and want to implement Single Sign On and this is a necessary piece so that extract can be automated and run daily.
devlinn_clinton commented
Please Create a script for a nightly pull of CCGI files - students, grades, and tests then upload data to Cal Colleges sftp for Aeries hosted districts.
Chuck Lusin commented
CCGI has changed their automated processing, where the Manifest has to be uploaded last, this is what triggers the automatic upload on their side. The files need to be uploaded to CCGI in this order, with this path on their SFTP server.
Aeries Generated File ---> CCGI SFTP Path
1. CourseGradeTemplate.csv ---> course_grade
2. CourseCatalog.csv ---> course_catalog
3. StudentTemplate.csv ---> student
4. TestGradeTemplate.csv ---> test_grade
5. Manifest_Template.csv ---> upload_manifest -
Patricia Dorough commented
Create a script for a nightly pull of CCGI files - students, grades, and tests then upload data to Cal Colleges sftp for Aeries hosted districts.