Weekly Progress and ParentSquare
Weekly Progress - Adjust the Email and Text Message ParentSquare feature to Hide/Show scores based on Gradebook Options and Portal Options, for the following items:
1. In the Email and Text Message feature of the Weekly Progress Email for ParentSquare. Hide the Scores and Percentage when the Gradebook Option - Display the Final Mark? - Parent/Student is not enabled or the Hide Overall Score from Parent/Student is enabled.
2. Progress by Student – Hide the Scores and Percentage when the Gradebook Option - Display the Final Mark? - Parent/Student is not enabled or the Hide Overall Score from Parent/Student is enabled.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 6/28/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
- Weekly Progress Report - The email message now honors the Show Final Mark To Parent Student and Hide Overall Score From Parent Student options as set on the Gradebook Options page.
- Progress by Student - The gradebook report now honors the Hide Overall Score options as set on the Gradebook Options page.
- Weekly Progress - For Aeries Communications customers, the Email now honors the Portal Option Only Show Check Marks for Assignment Scores to Parents and Students.