Parent Data Confirmation Status Report Restricted Contact
For Data Confirmation when a student has a restricted record to not show contacts when the parent does parent data confirmation they do not see the contacts tab but are able to complete parent data confirmation. For the Data Confirmation Status Report the student shows up on both reports. The Competed and incomplete report. Can you please consider updating the logic on the report so that students in such (admittedly rare) circumstances do not show up on the incomplete DC report?

Peter Bugno commented
Slightly tangential:
There is a very similar issue in the Data Confirmation Status report on the [Income Survey] section and the [Medical] module.If you do not use the [Medical] module then it will always be blank, and ALL students will appear on the incomplete report since nobody filled out the disabled Medical section.
There is a similar issue with the [Income Survey] not properly getting tracked and students appear on the incomplete report. -
Margarita Aguilar commented
We call all parents who have not completed their data confirmation. The parents get frustrated when we accidentally call them.
jbowlby commented
This is the third year in a row that we have pestered a parent for allegedly NOT completing data confirmation when she did (and received an email from the Aeries system confirming such). The problem is that there is restricted parent contact info and so this section does not appear in DC for her. The system still flags this (incorrectly) as incomplete, which puts unnecessary stress on someone with an already challenging family situation. Please fix this code!!
Valerie Kurtz commented
I agree with this. We did not use the Authorizations part of PDC this year, so all of our students show up as incomplete. We would also love the status report to include the email addresses for students' parent/guardian contacts who have Portal Access, because then we can easily copy and paste their email addresses to send a mass email for only those students who have not completed the PDC. Thanks!