In Flex Schools, the Period Absence Audit report printed by teacher should display attendance for all classes
When printing this report in Flex Schools, the Period Absence Audit Report when sorted by Teacher should display all classes for the student instead of just the one belonging to the teacher. This report is not efficient when printing each student's absence for the given teacher without seeing the entire schedule along with absence to determine the anomaly. For example, the outcome of the report should display just as printed by Student where it shows all classes except it should be sorted by the Teacher so that each teacher can determine if their attendance is correct or needs to be changed. The report should only list teachers with anomalies. This request only applies to selecting to print by Teacher.

Hello, this issue has been completed in the 12/15/2022 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Print Period Absence Audit - The report has been updated to handle flex schools. The absence audit options are now honored. The change affects flex schools (positive & negative attendance).