State Seal of Biliteracy - Update for 2022 Requirements
Update the State Seal of Biliteracy process to honor the following requirements for the 2022 graduates:
1. 2022 Grads must pass the 11th Grade CAASPP ELA test with "Standard Met" or above, or they must pass a Locally Determined 11th Grade ELA test
2. If a student took both the 11th Grade CAASPP and a Locally Determined 11th Grade ELA test, the better of the two scores will be used to determine eligibility
3. If a student didn't take either of the tests during their 11th grade year, they can take the 11th grade tests during the 2021-22 year to determine eligibility (this is only available for the 2022 grads)

While reviewing the code for the State Seal of Biliteracy the programmer found that we already honor each of the 2022 requirements listed in this idea. We have updated the documentation to clarify this: