CRSC extract creating Course Section ID greater than 10 characters in some instances
In some cases, the system-generated Course Section ID is greater than 10 characters. Specifically this seems to be happening when a course taken at a community college has the HIS.SDE field populated, and the student's enrollment includes a Home Reporting School code. It's that combination of things that's causing the system-generated Course Section ID is greater than 10 characters. Courses reported for other schools don't have that issue, probably because it's the trigger for the Reporting Home School that's adding two additional characters in front of the Course Section ID.

Hello, a fix for this issue was released on 06/04/2024. Here are the relevant revision notes:
School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts
- The CRSC and SCSC extracts generated a fatal error when the Section ID exceeded 10 characters for students with dual enrollment where the section ID for a college course was virtualized. The name in the course section ID is now reformatted to prevent the error.