Online Enrollment - Lock Grade Level Selection
Since the grade level is set based on the birth date selection, it would be helpful to have an option to disable parents selecting/changing the grade level.

Samantha Brown commented
Parents often are choosing the wrong grade level. Being able to control this locallly based on DOB would be extremely helpful.
Stephanie Gibson commented
Give districts the local control to lock or unlock the grade level field after the DOB is entered. Locking the field helps prevent errors in grade placement.
Michelle Crowder commented
Give districts the ability to decide if they would like this locked.
Kim Pena commented
We have several TK/K students where parent/guardian changed the grade level and unfortunately our sites didn't catch these when importing the enrollment.
Kim Pena commented
Yes, please add an option in AIR to prevent parent/guardian from changing the default grade level. We have a few instances where students were placed in the wrong grade level class and the issue was not caught in time. Thank you.
Roger Sauer commented
Please add an option to the Basic Settings (admin program) to disable the grade level dropdown under "Please select a grade level to enroll this student in". Reason: Some parents override the grade level that Aeries selects in an attempt to cause the student to be retained in the same grade. This is not proper procedure and may not be caught at the time of the student import.
Veronica Hoyle Kent commented
We frequently have parents electing TK, K or First Grade incorrectly. It would be great if we could either turn off the ability for parents to self-select the grade and/or allow users to change the grade in AOE once the issue is identified. Currently, users have to remember which students have incorrect grades when they're trying to determine numbers of students enrolling for each grade.
Stephanie Gibson commented
Allow grade ranges to be set by DOB so that grade is assigned at the time of enrollment by DOB. Sometimes families will select a grade that is out of compliance of DOB.