Weekly Instructional Minutes-Need to modify when sections are visible
Several issues with the display of sections for Weekly Instructional Minutes. It may be analyzing CAR to see if there are students in the class, but not analyzing the dates to see if they fall within that specific week.
1) Sections appearing for teacher before they actually begin (Spring sections showing in Fall)
2) Students starting midweek are not triggering the section to show.
3) Elementary without master schools also having issue with students not appearing in the prior weeks when they change teachers. Need to analyze dates in the ATT table for straight elementary schools.
4) When a section in MST has been inactivated and the class calendar still has active dates throughout the year, the "Certified" does not appear for the teacher even though the teacher has certified all sections in her list. The logic for getting the "Certified" list should match the list of sections for the teacher for that week.

Hello, the bug has been completed in the 11/20/2020 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Weekly Instructional Minutes (California Users)
• Weeks where a teacher had no classes were being displayed, fixed.
• When a section in MST was inactivated and the class calendar still had active dates throughout the year, “Certified” did not appear for the week that was already certified by the teacher, fixed.