Online Enrollment - Allow User to Change Status
Allow the users to change the status in Online Enrollment, specifically from Partial (Incomplete) to Pending Import, OR allow the option to import Partial (Incomplete).

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 8/27/24 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
Student Data > Demographics > Import
- The Set as Incomplete button was replaced with the Update Status button, providing more options for updating an enrollment status:
- A Pending Import record can be set to Partial (Incomplete) or Delete.
- A Partial (Incomplete) record can be set to Delete.
- A Deleted record can be set to Pending Import or Partial (Incomplete), allowing users to recover deleted records if needed.
- The ability to view the confirmation page for Deleted and Partial (Incomplete) enrollments is now supported. The View button is now available on the Aeries Student Import page. Selecting the View button opens the confirmation page to view student enrollment details from within Online Enrollment. See Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students.
CJ Behling commented
It would be incredibly helpful to be able to change the status of an application particularly from partially complete to pending import. Once an application has been marked partial it is extremely difficult to reaccess the app, particularly if parent is challenged in how they set up their account.
It would also be great if a comment field was added as to why the application was turned back to parent - either that or a drop down coded reason field for follow up with the ability to query these tables
Finally, the ability to change status from imported to pending import to allow an app to be re-imported when errors have been made
aramirezlara commented
Yes! So important to be able to import a deleted or incomplete file.
Roger Sauer commented
Yes, an Import button that operates the same way as the Import button on the pending screen--that is, takes the user to the student matches screen--would be a good solution. However, in that case, we would also need a View button for Partials, like there is for Pending, so that the user can view the application prior to importing. And, of course, importing from the Partial list must remove the application from the parents' pending enrollments list and put it in their completed enrollments list. Or... maybe it's simpler to just have a Move to Pending button on the Partial screen?!
Vicki Ruby commented
No Importing from Partial Incomplete is not a solution as we can not import if the enrollment is not complete. it would be more helpful to have a View option from the Partial Incomplete area so that we can help the families by seeing where they are stuck at.
Robert Wise commented
Right now there are two issues: 1) users cannot promote 'partial' to 'pending' status. 2) users cannot view the contents of 'partial' enrollment data.
Allowing users to move 'partial' to 'pending' allows them to view the contents and screen enrollment data for completion.
Heather Benson commented
Good Morning,
Yes, allowing the ability to import an incomplete record would suffice. Most of the time, the secretaries just want the ability import back in their hands so they would be totally OK with this option.
Hello, we are gathering some feedback on a proposed solution to this idea. Would you agree that adding an Import button when the 'Partial (Incomplete)' filter is selected is the appropriate solution? We would include a warning message to indicate that an incomplete record will be imported when using this new Import button from the 'Partial' status filter. This will eliminate the need to create an additional button which would set a 'Partial' record to 'Pending' in order to import. Your feedback is important so please reply to this post. Thank you.
Shannon Beltrami commented
Will we be able to access deleted as well? States 'specifically from Partial' so maybe not a separate request?
Camden Ray commented
This would be so helpful and much less frustrating for parents.
Vicki Ruby commented
I would also like the ability to pull in from the Deleted area as well. Sometimes parents do change their mind after they said No we are not going forward and we have deleted the AIR Enrollment.
Julianne Yeaman commented
We are a small district, and I put in at least 5 support tickets for this every enrollment cycle.
Kelly Leurck commented
This would be a very useful tool. Sometimes parents send the needed information via email or drop it off in person, and we need a way to mark the record completed so we can import it.