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249 results found

  1. Mass Update ATT Codes - Allow Update From Blank

    For Distance Learning Attendance in the functionality of the Mass Update ATT Codes screen - Please allow us to make the change FROM a "blank" code to [any code].

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  2. New Attendance Summary Report for P1 and P2

    Need a new report, similar to the Monthly Attendance Summary, that allows the ability to enter a date-range, so that days on the calendar after the P1 and P2 cutoff dates are not included.

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  3. Attendance Letter Count - ability to choose the Letter ID

    I would like the ability to select which Letter ID affects the Letter Count instead of it being the "Absent" / "Tardy" letter by default.

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  4. Allow attendance to be submitted by Section

    We have an unusual situation at our middle school where staff are primary teachers a limited number of sections per day, but moderate for other teachers at other times. This means that there are situations where a teacher's section might meet on M/W/F but they moderate on Tu/Th for a section that meets on Tu/Th/F. On Fridays, both sections show up for both teachers during that period on the attendance page. If one teacher takes attendance and submits, it's submitted for BOTH sections.
    It would be REALLY GREAT for teachers to be able to select the section for which they…

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  5. Teacher Attendance Page - Option to Limit by Student Fields

    We have already separated all of the Blended Learners into cohort A/B. We are currently using the STU.AP1 field to tag which cohort they are in. This field will show up in the teacher attendance screen and many of the attendance reports. It would be extremely helpful to the teachers if there could be a filter option for this field (similar to the date and period) .

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  6. Attendance Letter to Parents: honor CON.CL if printing to CON record who receives copy

    When the Attendance Letter to Parents is printed to a contact, the letter prints in English. If a contact who receives a copy has a correspondence language (CON.CL) other than English and a letter exists for that language, the letter should print in that language.

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  7. Weekly Instructional Minutes - Prevent Teachers from Certifying Week Early

    A lot of our teachers are currently certifying their weekly instructional minutes for the entire week on Monday, when they haven't actually taught the entire week. Can we create a way to limit teachers from certifying the current week until Friday or Monday of the next week?

    For example, for the week of 11/30 - 12/4 teachers have a time stamp of 11/30 for certification, which is certifying in the future since they haven't actually taught yet.

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  8. Attendance Enrollment Page - Do not prompt to delete attendance during a 440 program change entry

    In the Attendance Enrollment, if a user enters an "L" (leave) record using the "440 - program change" reason Aeries may prompt about "student has attendance after this date."

    Since this is simply a program change entry and NOT really a withdrawal action, there is no reason to remove the ATT records. The user is expected (required) to follow a 440 entry with an "E" (enter) record for the subsequent day [or they get the error/warning "Student does not have an Attendance Enter after a 440 Leave on [date]"

    We have had users click Yes to the prompt more than…

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  9. Allow daily and period based attendance in the same school

    We would like to be able to allow a single school to take both period based attendance and daily attendance (by grade).

    Ex. K-8 school where K-5 is daily attendance and 6-8 is period based attendance.

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  10. New Participation Summary Report

    We need a report to track the number of students actively participating in Distance Learning each day versus those not participating.

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  11. Teacher Attendance - Please Include Section Number

    We have created AM/PM/DL sections to fit into our Blended Distance Learning model. Each teacher has an AM section (only AM kids) PM section (Only PM kids) DL section (all kids) and we have used specific numbers to indicate which one is which. Great idea except the Section number doesn't show on the Teacher's Attendance page.

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  12. Filter Attendance Notes (view option)

    Now that teachers enter engagement notes for every period, the data is getting hard to read. It would be helpful to be able to select certain attendance code notes to see or skip when viewing for a student when selecting View all notes without having to print the report and/or scan multiple pages.

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  13. Instructional Minutes Certification Log - Output to Excel and Sort by Teacher

    Allow printing to excel or group by teacher number/name option for weekly instructional minutes certifications submission log. Since the report runs by section it requires copy/paste from browser to excel to sort and identify teachers who need to submit. It would be helpful if we could run it with a sort "by teacher" option and be able to print to excel.

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  14. Attendance Dashboard - Option to Display Period Absences

    Can the Attendance Dashboard have the option to show period absences rather than just the All Day code at Secondary schools?

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  15. Mass add Attendance Code for Range of Dates

    For an All Day Attendance School, the ability to Mass Add an Attendance Code for a range of dates for students that don't already have an attendance code would be helpful. For instance, we have a school that needs to add a "Q" for all their kids from the beginning of the school year. We have to go in day by day and mass add the code for the students. It would be great to be able to mass add for a range of dates.

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  16. Classroom Attendance - Allow sorting of Name column

    Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, we've had to separate our students into A and B groups for when they return to campus. Now, when we (in the office) go into Classroom Attendance they are grouped as A and B. It would be nice to be able to sort the class by name but it is not available.

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  17. Attendance Letters - Ability to Push One Letter to Other Schools

    In addition to pushing the whole LET table from one site to another, it would be nice to have the ability to select one or multiple Attendance letters to push, without overwriting the whole table at the other site.

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  18. On the Class Summary page, the Attendance "Past 5 Days" column, shows attendance for gradebooks in the Future Terms section.

    The Student Profile, Class Summary section displays attendance recorded for future terms when it has not.

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  19. Student Attendance page Quick Print button should display entire year

    On the student Attendance page, the Quick Print button displays/prints the data through today's date, but it should display/print for the entire year (like Client did).

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  20. Automatically Link Attendance to Zoom

    Automatic reporting from zoom, email sent, or zoom.

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