CALPADS SPRG ODS - enhance process for FRE records that need to be deleted
CALPADS SPRG ODS - Enhance the reconciliation process for FRE records that need to be deleted.
In the SPRG ODS Reconciliation process, the records with a date that started prior to the first day of school but after 6/30 of the previous year are being closed 1 day before the enrollment start date causing the record to receive a GERR0005 error in CALPADS and will not post successfully. LEAs do not have ownership which is causing LEAs to have to manually clean up data, in some cases hundreds of records.

Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 5/21/2024 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
School Info > Imports and Exports > CALPADS Extracts - The SPRG reconciliation now allows Free & Reduced records to be deleted from CALPADS, instead of closed, when the record does not perfectly match a record in Aeries.