If an Itinerant Course (MST.IT = Yes) does not fall on Census Day, do not extract a CRSE record.
If an Itinerant Course (MST.IT = Yes) does not fall on Census Day, do not extract a CRSE record.

Hello, this idea (or bug) has been completed in the 12/14/2023 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
School Info > Exports and Imports > CALPADS Extracts
- In flex and non-flex schools, the CALPADS > Fall 2 > Create Course Files (CRSE/SCSE) extract included sections that did not fall on the Census Date for itinerant teachers, which generated CERT079 error in CALPADS. The CRSE process for Itinerant Teachers now only extracts sections that meet on Information Day (Census Day). See Flex Scheduling - CRSE Extract or CALPADS in Aeries Basic - Master Schedule.