Pre-Referral Interventions - Refer button for teachers
From Support Ticket: 333302
Apparently for Teachers, in order for the "Refer to Intervention" button to appear, in addition to the Read and Insert permission.... something needs to be entered on all four tabs: Details, Interventions, Reasons, Parent Meetings and Contacts.
This requirement is NOT called out in the documentation page:
Also, this is not a requirement for Admin users (making this extra confusing).
1) If all that is required to create a referral is Read and Insert on the RFI table (as is suggested by the documentation), then enable the button if the user has those privileges regardless of Role.
2) If all four tabs do require information to create a referral if the user is a Teacher... describe why in the documentation for the feature.

AdminAllison (Admin, Aeries Software) commented
For teachers, in order for the "Refer to Intervention" button to appear, three requirements must be met:
1. They must have proper permissions
2. They must have an entry in Details
3. There must be at least one entry of the Parent Meetings and Contact tab
Our documentation has been updated accordingly -