Sort MST Board & Flex SMS Board & Classes page headers by the flex period # instead of flex period time
Can we add an option to sort the display of the MST board & Flex SMS Board and Classes page by the flex period # instead of the flex period time? My sites are used to seeing the display by period#, and the display by time confuses them, especially when they have paired the periods i.e. 1 & 4, 2 & 5, 3 & 6 have the same start and end times, and 1,2,3 are on A-Day and 4,5,6 are on B-Day.

Anne Barreto commented
Also, the Start/End Times displayed are the default Start/End Times from the Flex Periods, they do not reflect the correct Bell schedule for the specific day. As a result, some students missed some classes at the beginning of school. Can the Start/End Times in a students' schedules reflect the bell schedule for the specific day in Parent/Student portal, please?
Anne Barreto commented
This is also an issue in our district especially since I created the Flex Periods in a non-sequential order so Period 2 is at the end of the list of Periods on a student's schedule which makes it very confusing.
Reina Rice commented
This option is critical. Without it students see their periods out of order and get confused. See attachment.