Independent Study Signatures/Alert for New Signature Requires
Allow for users to also E-Sign as well as parents.
Have some sort of way to alert a user/parent that they have a new signature required for I/S. A Portal banner message with a link or a way for us to customize the banner, or a way for us to email pending signatures to teachers/parents.
Have an audit page for school office staff to track all their pending/active I/S.

Hello, the idea (or bug) has been completed in the 10/26/21 update. Here are the Revision Notes:
• Independent Study – A “Send a Reminder” button is available to notify parents, students, or staff to sign Independent Study Agreement documents. A confirmation email notification will be sent when a document has been digitally signed. The emails are drafted in English and Spanish. Two new Portal Teacher URL fields have been added to the School Options page in District to be used with “Send a Reminder” email for signatories. See Independent Study Agreements documentation.