Data Confirmation - Restricting Individual Portal Accounts
It would be nice to have the option to restrict an individual parent portal account from all things parent portal related - including Data Confirmation.
Currently, restricting the contact still gives them access to Data Confirmation. The reason a contact would get restricted is because they can't play nice with the other parent & constantly try to delete the other parents information.
Using the Secondary Student Data restriction punishes both parents. I can see where that might be needed based on the type of code for the restriction - like overdue lunch bills, etc. But the parent that's cooperating gets restricted as well as the parent who's not cooperating.
Please, either beef up the contact restriction to include restriction from Data Confirmation, or make a way for the two to work together based on a value given to a code (like we have to use the value of 9 for the Contact restriction code) - that way, if 2ndary Student Data is marked with that code, and the contact is marked, they would work together to restrict only THAT contact from Data Confirmation & follow the security set up of the restricted portal group.

lori williamson commented
We have the same problem and our Legal department is reaching out to me. We have legal issues with parents bringing in paperwork from the courts stating one parent can view but not update data or enrollment of their student.
Can an option be added to Data Confirmation setup to allow only the P1 to update the PDC? Then we could let ALL parents know that the Primary Parent must do the PDC. Then the restricted parent will be tagged as P2.
Something definitely needs to be done since this can cause a legal matter.
Alicia Nava commented
I believe that if you set up for the educational right holder, and only the parent that should be making changes can do that, but you would have to tag all your parents with portal access, with Y, then go in and put N for those that are not playing nice. Also, you may consider a restricted records, which would block the contacts from the parents and they would have to contact the office for changes. Lastly, you can always change the parent account that is not playing nice to a student account.
Stephen Burks commented
If a student is coded with a restriction in Secondary Student Data (SSD), the district should have control of whether or not we want the Restricted Portal Account group to have access to complete Parent Data Confirmation or not.