Parent/Student Portal Filtering Gradebook by Standard for Elem w/MST setup
Hi, I have been testing with the setup and operatoins of an Elem w.MST database for our elementary sites and I know that teachers can set up one gradebook for their Core Subject and then they can make assignments and input a specific standard or multiple standards for each assignment which willl then average and load progress grades by standard during grading cycles. Teachers can then filter by standard on the scores by class page to see students progress by standard, but I do not see that parents or students have that capability in their parent/student portal when viewing their gradebooks. Is this option available for them somehow so that they too can break down the overall grade by standard?
Parents and Students in the Parent Portal do have a way to view Rubric Standards Based gradebook scores by standard. They can go to the Standards Based Progress Dashboard and click on the View Details or View Related Standards buttons to see more information. Here is a document with screenshots…