Allow printing the 504 Plan in aeries in other languages

Aerielle Spusta commented
Allow printing the 504 plan in Aries in other languages. All families should understand their child’s accommodations and rights.
Lavinia Henlon commented
I am so happy that we are moving in this directions. This will be one area that we can use to include ALL of our families.
Anonymous commented
This is a valuable resource for all families, one that each of them deserves.
Sheli Cryderman commented
Yes, a direct way for all parents to be invested and feel included.
Jennifer Sachs commented
It is critical to add the option to printing 504 plans in AERIES in other languages. Thank you for your consideration.
Demetria Callejas commented
Yes! Most of our parents do not speak English!
Anonymous commented
Yes, for the ability to print a 504. In elementary schools, we are asked by parent and staff, to make a copy. Rather than "dig" through papers in the ***, and then copy, pull it up on Aeries and print would be a time saver.
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would be a tremendous help for the parents of our students.
Nirvana Enciso commented
I agree
Anonymous commented
Much needed for equitable access to student info!!
Anonymous commented
Aeries should provide this feature. For students that have 20% of the population speaking another language is mandatory.
June Kirske commented
Anything that will help keep our parents informed!
Lisa Keck commented
Offering multiple languages is such an important feature that has been missing for our families in regards to printing out the 504 plans. It is so difficult for a family with a struggling student to begin with. It is doubly unfair and inequitable if they are unable to support their child to the best of their ability because they cannot read the document in a language that they may understand as the 504 document is created and designed to support their child's particular needs. Please make it so that other languages are available, it is the right thing to do!
Lisa Keck
Sequoia Middle School -
April Gagnon commented
This form is VITAL. And we have to do a VS vote to get easier access? I wonder how the State feels about that!
Anonymous commented
This would be a game changer
Kate Bloomer commented
Yes, Aeries should have the option to print the 504 plan in other languages, especially Spanish.
Norma Meyerkorth commented
This is a great idea! The more effectively we can communicate with families in all languages the better! Please make printing the 504 plan in other languages an option! Thanks!
Sheila Stosick, MS, OTR/L commented
Please allow printing the 504 Plan in aeries in other languages.
Jeff Garaventa commented
This is a very important addition to Aeries which is sorely needed - and would be a great help to many of the families in our district.
Nancy Klinkner commented
This supports equity and our efforts to provide access to all members of our community, especially during Distance Learning.