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  1. SELA Update Module/Page

    Add a Module/Page that lists all the TBD status kiddos so that we can work from one page to update the TBDs to EL, RFEP or IFEP. Have it so you update the Language Fluency with a drop down and then insert the Effective Date. The Language Fluency gets pushed to the STU.LF field and based on the Language fluency chosen, the effective date gets populated in the LAC.SD, LAC.RD1, or LAC.IFD appropriately.

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  2. Allow entering Prior Year RFEP to auto populate the year follow up date

    When hand entering prior year RFEP date have the year follow up date auto populate.

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  3. EL Newcomer Updates

    There needs to be a way for us to select options on a screen so that Aeries can display the correct Newcomer status for Multilingual students. A student may start out as "n zero" - during their first year in the US. However, the next year they will be an "n one" student, and so on. This will help us track the progress of the student and also help us assign correct services to them to help their progress.

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  4. Have AELPAC show on General Tab in Language Assessment

    Have the Language Assessment Management Copy ELPAC Scores to LAC put the AELPAC test scores on the General Tab, not just the ELPAC and IELPAC

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  5. Language Assessment - Add Change Button for Language Fields (STU)

    The Language Assessment Page allows a user to change the student's Reporting Language and Language Fluency by simply choosing an option from the list. This makes it too easy to make accidental changes of Student's Reporting Language and Language Fluency.

    In most other screens a user must enter change mode by pressing the Change button, and then commit the changes by clicking Update. The user is not prompted or warned that this will change the value.

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  6. Calculate ELPI by student and load level into Aeries

    The CA School Dashboard just started reporting the ELPI again based on a new calculation.

    Current ELPI Tech Guide:

    Previous ELPI Tech Guide:

    -What we would like is for the ELPI to be calculated by-student and for each English Learner student's ELPI level to be loaded into the LAC table, Field: LAC.U3

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  7. Autogenerate email for EL staff when new TBD or EL student enrolls

    Our EL staff would find it very helpful to receive an automated email each time a new TBD student or EL student enrolls in one of our schools.

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  8. Differences between the Language Assessment Screen and Query

    Differences between the Language Assessment Screen - Home Language Survey titles and the Titles on the Query output are confusing.

    Query says Primary is L2 but on the LAC page the 3rd field is labeled Primary. L3 is the 2nd field on the LAC page but is L3 on the query

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  9. Expand LAC.EIT to support "IAELPAC" which is a standard state test

    The LAC.EIT (English Test Name) field needs to be expanded from varchar(6) to support the new Initial Alternate ELPAC test... which Aeries imports as TST.ID = "IAELPAC" (which is 7 characters).

    This idea is somewhat related to another idea regarding how Aeries handles the Alternate ELPAC tests.

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  10. Language Assessment - Allow Additional Tests in the State Test Tab

    Add a District Setting to allow districts to configure additional Test IDs ( for example the VCCALPS) that can be viewed/added on the Language Assessment State Test tab.

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  11. Add a TBD Field and Date Field to the Language Assessment Page

    Add a TBD Field and TBD Date Field to the Language Assessment Page to show history of when the student's Language Fluency was set to TBD - To Be Determined.

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  12. Please have LAC.YUS total for California users.

    We need the Years in US School for FPM (Federal Program Monitoring) reporting purposes.
    Thank you!!!

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  13. Change LAC.L2 field from Primary to Guardian or Parents

    Please change the label of Primary on the LAC.L2 field to Guardian or Parents. Having the label of Primary is confusing to staff since the label for LAC.L1 is listed as First.

    Primary and First are similar and may cause confusion when entering the responses from the Language Survey into Aeries.

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  14. Language - ELAS Date display format

    It would be nice if the ELAS Date used the MM/DD/YYYY (two digit month, day / four digit year) display format.

    This would make copy pasting from the ELAS (CALPADS) date value into the EL Start Date edit date box just a little bit nicer.
    Currently, if the month or day is a single digit, when pasting into the editable date field, we have add the "0" to the front of the value to make the pasted value work/save correctly.

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  15. Language Assessment - Putting an upload option in the Waivers tab

    Give the option to upload the completed waiver document on the Language Assessment page

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  16. Highlight school entry date on language page

    Please highlight the School Entry date on the language assessment page to indicate it's a required and reportable CALPADS field.
    The staff that view the language page is not the same staff that enroll the student. When a student is enrolled the school entry is auto-populated with the current date which is 90% of the time not the student's first day of school. It's our Language Assessment staff (verifying for ELPAC) who will verify if the dates are correct and/or match based on the school's actual enrollment and will update this field. Therefore it would be beneficial if the field…

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  17. Language Assessment - Add Additional Follow Up Date and Code Fields

    CDE requires that we monitor reclassified students for 4 years after reclassification. At our district we monitor students twice per year for a total of 8 follow-ups. We'd like Aeries programmers to add 2 more entry fields in language assessment so that we can record the monitoring information in the language screen.

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