Have AELPAC show on General Tab in Language Assessment
Have the Language Assessment Management Copy ELPAC Scores to LAC put the AELPAC test scores on the General Tab, not just the ELPAC and IELPAC

Daniel Felix commented
As an ELPAC Coordinator, it makes the most sense to house all the scores in one place. I understand that upon import from TOMS they can found on the TEST SCORES page. However, when you go to LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT MANAGEMENT to "Copy ELPAC Scores to LAC", ALTERNATE ELPAC (IA & SA) scores are not being transferred over. The LAC page is a great resource to view an ELs data. Please strongly consider having the ability to transfer ALTERNATE scores to the LAC page under the "GENERAL" tab so users can see the most recent data, along with all the other EL data.