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  1. Gradebook - Please Add Numeric Narrative Grades

    Our district is going full CBE grading, and we need the ability to create two distinct categories (sets) with different grading scales as follows: formative (foundational) work graded at a 2.0 target (with 1.5, 1.0, and 0.50 possible scores), and summative assessments graded at a 3.0 target (with 2.5 and 2.0 possible, as well as an A+ ceiling of 3.5 or 4.0 possible for work above and beyond). Our Final Grades are tabulated on a scale of 4 as well, with 3.0-3.49 being an A overall.

    The easiest way to do what we need would be narrative grades, so we…

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  2. Update the keyboard tab order for Gradebook scores by student comment entry

    Please reorder the Tab controls for this pop-up so that a user can press Tab one time to go from the Comment field to the Save button.

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  3. Gradebook Custom Colors including Extra Credit when there are no points

    I set a custom color to make all assignments scored from 0% to 69% show up light red. Overall this worked correctly, but extra credit assignments are all showing up red, regardless of if they have any points entered, which is not the behavior I would expect. If anything extra credit should show up in the light green Aeries uses for assignments scored > 100%

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  4. View grade for just teacher, not student without toggling view in options

    Adding a setting that allows teachers to see the impact of adding assignment grades without students being able to see it. As of now, regardless of if the "Is grading completed?" box is checked, students can see grades I have input for assignments even though I'm not necessarily ready for them to see it.

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  5. Gradebook: add Override for Scale Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade option

    Gradebook has an option: Scale Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade. The Min often set to 50 to avoid giving a student a "nuclear F." At the spring 2023 conference, a customer asked for an override to be added. So, in most cases, with the option selected for the Gradebook, the Min as set would be in effect. But for a specific student/assignment/score, the minimum could be overridden so that a zero score (or some score below the Min) would be applied. The specific use case scenario mentioned was a student who plagiarized the assignment.

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  6. Progress by Student Report - Dynamically pull the current primary teacher instead of GBK.SID

    Progress by Student Report - Dynamically pull the current primary teacher according to SSE instead of GBK.SID. This is necessary when a new teacher takes over a section in a section staff school and the gradebook was created by the previous teacher.

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  7. Batch marking assignments complete after an overnight auto Google Classroom Sync

    When grades are imported from Google Classroom, they are not marked complete. You must individually mark each assignment complete by using the drop-down, then Aeries spins to make new calculations before you can move on to the next assignment. Can you please make a way that we can batch mark assignments complete? Perhaps an assignments page where you can mark them from there and then save that page?

    This is different from when manually entering grades and it defaults to making the assignment as complete when entering in grades.

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  8. Allow the ability to not choose formative or summative for an assignment.

    Some teachers would like the option to have the assignment in gradebook without it being categorized. Another option would be to allow the teachers to hide this detail from students.

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  9. Create Shared Gradebooks functionality

    MST.TN is the Teacher of Record.

    MST.TN2 and MST.TN3, co-teaching fields, should have the MST.TN gradebooks auto-populate in their Teacher Portal accounts mirroring the Teacher of Record setup.

    Create a parent/child relationship within shared gradebooks : mirror linked or unlinked gradebooks as the Teacher of Record.

    This would mean the Teacher of Record would have to approve all gradebook changes - this would prevent gradebooks from disappearing.

    Additionally adding a gradebook option where the Teacher of Record (parent gradebook) would allow a TN2 and/or TN3 co-teacher (child gradebooks) RUID access to make change in the gradebook without the Teacher of…

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  10. Color Code on Assignment Type when viewing on Scores by Class

    Now that you can view the Assigment type on the Scores by Class - color code them with a color - yellow/green blue/yellow. Anything to make the view easier on Scores by Class.

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  11. Filter for Assignment Type on Scores By Class

    Now that the Formative (F) and Summative (S) assignment types can be displayed, add the ability to sort by assignment type on the Scores by Class view.

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  12. Provide parents ability to downloads grades as CSV file

    Provide the ability for parents and students to download assignments, grades and grad history as a CSV file.

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  13. Legend to include what that counts for Excluding Assignments (NA and TX)

    It would be great to include in the legend on the Scores by Class page,what teachers can input in order to exclude an assignment. It's not noted in the legend and unless you just "guess" you don't know that you can input NA and TX in the score field to exclude a assignment.

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  14. Teacher Gradebook - Add Ability to Easily Recalculate GRD Grades

    We need the ability for teachers and admin users to be able to recalculate quarter or semester GRD grades after the grades have been initially posted by the teacher. For example, if a student turns in missing work and the teacher needs to adjust the grade, we'd like them to be able to make the changes to the assignment grades as usual but then just hit a button to recalculate and update the GRD grades instead of going through a multi-step/multi-screen process.

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  15. Weight assignments that are categorized as rubric

    Teachers at my site would like to be able to weight different assignments in Aeries- so an assignment that students worked on for three days could be worth more than a ten minute homework assignment, or a test could be worth more than a quiz. This is currently not possible with rubric assignment, Aeries can only calculate a straight average of all rubric assignments.

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  16. Restrict the capacity of E-mail text EML.TXT

    Teachers are sending emails with large images in the message and they are taking up too much space in our database. We would like to reduce the capacity of the field or restrict the ability to add images.

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  17. Gradebook should have the quick change site option ( like the rest of Aeries )

    We have teachers who teach at multiple schools and would like a quick-site change option drop down, in grade book, like the rest of Aeries.

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  18. Allow Assignments imported into Gradebook to default certain options as unselected

    Allow assignments imported from Google to default the options Visible to Portal and Score Visible to Portal as unchecked. Once the teacher selects Grading Complete then the assignment can become visible to Portal and Score Visible to Portal.

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  19. Update Import Gradebook Scores process to remove STU_ from the beginning of the ID# field

    When our other programs connect with Aeries through API or OneRoster API they see the Student ID field as STU#######. When importing assignment score files in to their gradebook, teachers have to run an update in excel to remove the "STU" from the ID field so that Aeries will recognize the ID #. It would be great if during the import process you automatically removed "STU_" as leading characters from any ID if they exist. This would save teachers the added manual step and prevent user error.

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  20. View assignment scores from all students in linked gradebook

    Please allow more integrating between linked gradebooks, so that teachers can see scores from ALL students on a particular assignment.

    This helps with gauging understanding on a particular assignment, and entering late work from multiple class periods, and would allow uploading all grades for an assignment at once.

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