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  1. UC/CSU Graduation Status Summary By Subject Area

    Under the Graduation/College Readiness Dashboard can you add UC/CSU tabs that will show Graduation Status Summary by Subject Area of students on/off track by letter grade not credits completed. Since UC/CSU requirements are based on a letter grade the student receives for each course and subject.

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  2. Grade Reporting and Transcripts - Support Inactive Valid Marks.

    We wanted to remove the + and - (B+, B-, C+...) grades going forward. We cannot do it because the Valid Marks for the current year are used to determine the cumulative GPA. Grades in previous years that had the + and - were being excluded from the calculations. We had to add them back. If the system would support inactivating valid marks, we could leave them there for calculation purposes, but no one could use them going forward.

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  3. Copy grades to history should overwrite instead of creating a duplicate

    At the middle school, after grades are completed, our office staff would click on copy grades to history to update transcript.
    Oftentimes, they would click on the button again and the transcripts end up with duplicate grades with the header that says "work in progress."
    When this happens, we would reach out to support for a SQL query that we can run to clear the history.
    Is it possible for this function to be disabled after it's run the first time? Or if it's run the second time, could it overwrite instead of create a duplicate one?

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  4. Allow teachers to make actual comments on grades instead of the limited choices

    Many times the 3 options allowed does not even begin to describe what I really want to convey to parents or what really should be on the report card.

    Create a new option called Manual and when chosen allows a teacher to enter a freeform textbox up to 1000 characters to enter whatever they want. Disk space is cheap. To put it in perspective:

    If every teacher in the district, writes a comment for every student for every grading period (6 teachers x 11500 Students x 8 grading periods x 1000 characters ) this would equate to 552 Megabyts or…

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  5. Gradebook: Percentage weight of each assignment Report

    Provide a report in Gradebook showing the relative effect or weight of each assignment's contribution to the current (final) grade.

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  6. Mark verification sheets should show earned credit not attempted credit.

    This will align with the verification process to have the teachers confirm the grades and credits the students earned.

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  7. Access to "Copy Grades to Transcript" page with read only access to HIS table

    Currently you need to have insert access to transcripts to be able to copy grades to transcripts. We need the ability to have clerks who deal with grading run this copy grade to transcript function while only having read only access to HIS. Specially since it's listed under the grade reporting dashboard, there should be a separate permission to allow use of this function that is separate from the permissions to the HIS table.

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    Thank you for sharing your idea! Unfortunately, this request falls outside our security best practices, so we are unable to move forward with it. Read-only users are limited to viewing data and cannot perform actions that write to a table. If certain users need to run this process, they will require the appropriate access in HIS.

    If temporary access is needed, your district can assign an Expiration Date to the permission at the individual or group level in security settings.

  8. Enhance Report Card printing to sort by bell schedule

    Please enhance the Grade Report Card printing to sort by Bell Schedule.

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  9. Add more information on the Grade Page

    Add the course section #, and course scheduled status (active/inactive/dropped). Currently, to get this information we have to look at 3 different screens

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  10. Portal Options - Allow Finalizing Grade Posting by grade level

    At end of year we often finalize grades with graduating students grades being due first. Because we have different deadlines we often aren't able to finalize grades for seniors and are only able to do this in the transcripts. There is no way for us to copy grade history without copying it for all students. There should be a way to do this by grade level to support year end activities.

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  11. TX: Trail Grade Reporting Information Between Sections on Change

    Add option to move previously posted marks to new course section on schedule change. For example, a student with a grade of 90 in marking period 1 first period English transfers to the second period section of English. The stored mark for marking period 1 should automatically move on the GRD table for correct semester averaging. Currently, teachers/registrars are required to manually update GRD blanks after schedule changes.

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  12. Missing Mark Listing report: unless "Ignore Records Marked as Complete" is checked, missing (and Required) Cit, W/H, Comments don't print

    On Portal Options' Grades tab, I selected Require Comments, Work Habits, and Citizenship.
    On the Missing Mark Listing report, missing Comments, Work Habits, and Citizenship don't print unless I have "Ignore Records Marked As Complete" selected.
    Is this how it is supposed to work?

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  13. Add the HIS.CO 'Special Course Title' to Issue Credit screens

    When using the Issue Credit feature for sections marked with Alt Ed Scheduling - Please add a field to the 'manually add' pop-up screen - that will populate the HIS.CO 'Special Course Title' when posting to transcripts. We need these course specifics visible on the transcript screen. We use this to show how far along in the course the student reached.

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  14. Secondary SBG Report card term is set incorrectly when generating Report Card History

    When using secondary SBG report cards (and I assume GRD also), we populate the marking period header fields for the entire year (allowing space for the marks, even if there are only grades in the first marking period) so the report cards look consistent throughout the school year. With these headers populated, then when generating Report Card History, the "term" field is set to the value of the last marking period of the school year, along with the corresponding description. This is incorrect and confusing to students/parents. The term value should instead be based on the current marking period that…

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  15. Add a Course ID column in the Grades by Teacher screen

    Add a course ID column to the Grades by Teacher page so that teachers know what course or semester they're entering grades for at a continuation school where students take numerous courses at a time.

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  16. Student Grade Report

    In order to get the credits to print on a student Grade Report, you have to first go to Grade Reporting Options and enable "Print Grade Report Class Rank"
    This seems like an extra step that should not be necessary

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  17. Student Profile page: add ability to print most recent report card from Report Card History

    The student Profile page is a one-stop shop for information on the student. Their most recent report card would be a valuable addition.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Grade/Mark Legend printed on Report Card should have separate settings from Grade Report Exception List

    Currently, the printout of the Grade/Mark Legend on the Report Card, and the Grade/Mark options that are available on the Grade Exception Report both pull from the GRD.MK field of the COD table. We have many valid marks, and don't wish to have A-F print in the legend, but the consequence of removing those marks from the COD table is that we can no longer search for D's or F's using the Exception Report. It would be very useful to separate these very different functions.

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  20. Capture Current Class only for Snapshot Report Printout

    Enhance Grading Snapshots to only print Current Class Snapshot marks on the Snapshot Report Printout.

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