Aeries Ideas
104 results found
Allow teacher to change gradebook score codes to a score easier
When teachers use the temporary code of TX - Temp Excused they currently have to locate those scores and change them to a score or to a zero. Is there a way to mass change those or filter by those codes to make them easier to change?
1 vote -
Gradebook - Please Add Numeric Narrative Grades
Our district is going full CBE grading, and we need the ability to create two distinct categories (sets) with different grading scales as follows: formative (foundational) work graded at a 2.0 target (with 1.5, 1.0, and 0.50 possible scores), and summative assessments graded at a 3.0 target (with 2.5 and 2.0 possible, as well as an A+ ceiling of 3.5 or 4.0 possible for work above and beyond). Our Final Grades are tabulated on a scale of 4 as well, with 3.0-3.49 being an A overall.
The easiest way to do what we need would be narrative grades, so we…
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Update the keyboard tab order for Gradebook scores by student comment entry
Please reorder the Tab controls for this pop-up so that a user can press Tab one time to go from the Comment field to the Save button.
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Incomplete Grade determined by an Incomplete Assignment score
Is there a way to make a rule in Aeries that would allow us to enter an I (Incomplete) into the missing summative assessment assignment, with the result being that students and parents would immediately see an I (incomplete) rather than a letter grade for that class in Aeries until they complete that assignment?
Basically, if an I is entered as an assignment, can it make an I as the cumulative grade that parents and students see?
4 votes -
Custom Marks/Categories and Google Classroom Integration
Right now my teachers have to grade in 2 different places because our custom marks and categories in Aeries can't be entered on Google. We would love to just be able to grade in Google Classroom.
9 votes -
Gradebook Custom Colors including Extra Credit when there are no points
I set a custom color to make all assignments scored from 0% to 69% show up light red. Overall this worked correctly, but extra credit assignments are all showing up red, regardless of if they have any points entered, which is not the behavior I would expect. If anything extra credit should show up in the light green Aeries uses for assignments scored > 100%
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View grade for just teacher, not student without toggling view in options
Adding a setting that allows teachers to see the impact of adding assignment grades without students being able to see it. As of now, regardless of if the "Is grading completed?" box is checked, students can see grades I have input for assignments even though I'm not necessarily ready for them to see it.
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Missing Assignment Reports Emails should only go to P1 and P2 Contacts
When you email missing assignments it goes to all contacts, but it should go to contacts listed as P1 and P2 to ensure just the parents receive it.
2 votes -
Gradebook - GBS.MK Recalculation Not Using Term Based Marks After Adding or Deleting a Standard to an Already Graded Assignment
In schools where the Portal Option ' Display Only Marks for Teacher, Parents and Students (Applies to SBG Grades and Gradebooks)' is Enabled, and the Gradebook is an SBG gradebook, if a standard is added to or removed from an assignment that has already been graded, then the recalculation that occurs should honor the above Portal Option and save the appropriate term mark in the GBS.MK field.
3 votes -
Student Profile, Class Summary visual issue with Show All Terms option
Student Profile, Class Summary - When using the "Show all Terms" options, do not display "Past 5 Days" and "Last Updated" information. Those 2 columns should be blank for future terms. IN addition, when the Classes page 'Today' option is turned on the Profile page 'Show All Terms' option does not display all.
9 votes -
Custom Marks for Missing Work -- Equitable Grading
Our site (and many other sites) use custom marks to give partial credit for missing assignments so that students don't fall so far behind that they can't catch up. However, because we don't give 0s for missing work, the student portal shows that students have no missing assignments when, in fact, they have many. This confuses parents and students. Is it possible to provide the option to link the missing assignments feature to custom marks if a school doesn't give 0s for missing work.
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Allow school sites to enable Weekly Progress Emails on behalf of the parents.
We are trying to save resources by having all parents to opt in to the weekly progress email. Right now we are manually emulating every parent account and turning on the feature so that emails delivered Friday mornings. It would be great if we could just turn this feature on for all parents to run on a specific time and date.
6 votes -
Ability for for teachers to print out progress reports from their gradebook in other languages other than English
The option for teachers to print out progress reports from their gradebook in other languages other than English.
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Gradebook: add Override for Scale Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade option
Gradebook has an option: Scale Min/Max Assignment Values in Total Grade. The Min often set to 50 to avoid giving a student a "nuclear F." At the spring 2023 conference, a customer asked for an override to be added. So, in most cases, with the option selected for the Gradebook, the Min as set would be in effect. But for a specific student/assignment/score, the minimum could be overridden so that a zero score (or some score below the Min) would be applied. The specific use case scenario mentioned was a student who plagiarized the assignment.
1 vote -
Supervisor Gradebook Access by Department
Would like an option for supervisors/dept. chairs to be able to access their department member(s) gradebooks. Basically, teacher emulation restricted to just their Dept.
3 votes -
Gradebook Narrative Marks and Assignments
Provide the ability to recompute or reset all scores for assignments that are attached to a narrative grade set If teacher changes the score points for a assignment attached to a narrative grade set, it is likely they would want the scores recomputed using the new values but remain narrative grades. There should be a button in the "Narrative Grade" manage tab that lets them "Update All Scores". This should explain to the user that it will change all scores to have the new score value and only perform the action upon their compliance.
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3 votes
Gradebook progress by Student report to only show active students
When creating a report for Gradebook Progress by Student, the Select Student section should have an option to display only active students in the gradebook. This way students that have been dropped shouldn't appear in the report
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Progress by Student Report - Dynamically pull the current primary teacher instead of GBK.SID
Progress by Student Report - Dynamically pull the current primary teacher according to SSE instead of GBK.SID. This is necessary when a new teacher takes over a section in a section staff school and the gradebook was created by the previous teacher.
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Formatting of Report Comment section on Gradebook Assignments By Student Report
The current implementation does not allow for the teacher to format this field, so the parents see only one long sentence that runs off the page.
Enhance the gradebook by allowing for full HTML markup so that the teacher has full control over how the contents are displayed.
At the bare minimum, this field should auto-wrap within the page margins.
3 votes
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