Additional Columns to Identify Homeroom Teacher using Flex Scheduling in SBG, GRD, etc.
Currently, our Music/Band teachers have roster sections that are respective of the homeroom sections to aid in identifying each student appropriately when providing SBG reporting and other reasons.
Our PE teachers have their rosters based on grade regardless of the teacher. This is a simpler approach when creating PE sections. Music, however, is more involved due to creating the different sections corresponding to the respective homeroom teachers.
I have a setup where the music teacher Ballesteros can provide grades and select the magnifying glass to the student's gradebook only if the homeroom teacher is entered as part of the gradebook name.
Customizing the gradebook name and creating additional sections can be eliminated if the grade reporting teacher can easily identify each student with a student picture and their homeroom teacher.
It would be great to have the following:
* the ability to provide student pictures within SBG Reporting so that *
the music teachers can easily identify the students when providing grades
* have an additional column that would identify the student's primary homeroom teacher
* have each student listed with their homeroom teacher
have each section listed with the respective homeroom teacher
This would prove to be so beneficial and advantageous for both the elementary (homeroom/primary teacher) and secondary (advisory period) schools using flex scheduling since the student can be easily identified to know which homeroom/advisory teacher they belong to.