Manual checkbox/override for Algebra I requirement.
Algebra I Requirement Met feature - Is there a manual override for this feature? We have so many different variants of passing Algebra I, or it's equivalent that we can't set it up solely through the course file. We have students who take our main year long course 3220 which works fine, but then we have other students who passed 1 semester of 3220 (which is 5 credits), then took the 2nd semester in a year long course 3056 (which they need 10 credits to pass the equivalent of that semester) or they took Alg I over 2 years where they need 10 credits of 3046 and 10 credits of 3056 in order to pass the equivalent of 1 year or something along those lines with other various scenarios. It would be really helpful if a counselor or registrar could review courses taken and manually check/override that requirement met box for the ones it doesn't automatically catch through the course set up.