Security: Please Allow User Access to the "Query Change Button" ONLY and NOT the "Query Change Command" to Prevent "Accidental" Mass Update
Ticket #346128: We have just recently learned about the "Query Change Command" and what impact it would have should a User be given that permission, in addition to the Mass Update permission to a Table.
What Has Been Done: We followed the information provided to us and read through the article from AERIES support. We then replicated it using one of our users. We could not find a way to get the CHANGE BUTTON to appear without the CHANGE QUERY COMMAND permission, which would be the ideal solution for us. With your guidance, would it be possible please to make this happen?
Per AERIES: "The Change button is only available to users with Mass Update permission to the Query Change Command. These two change commands are different in the process of changing the data, yet both provide a user with the ability to mass change data using query. At this time Aeries does not have a way to allow a user access to the Query Change Button and not the Query Change Command."
Our School District Requests for a critical update: "Change button and Query Change Command" to function independently; thus, allowing a user access to the "Query Change Button" ONLY and not the "Query Change Command". Thank you very much.
We would like to humbly requests for a way for the USERS to still have access to the "CHANGE" button WITHOUT enabling the "QUERY CHANGE COMMAND" permission to prevent accidental Mass update leading to some significant data issue (please see attached files).
The Idea must be vetted as "achievable":
The safety of our students (and staff) is always the #1 high priority and is extremely important to us. Therefore, not only is the Idea to make the "Change button and Query Change Command" function independently achievable, this Idea is also both vital, essential and is extremely important to the security and integrity of our student data.
How many users are being hindered by the non-existence of this Idea:
We have temporarily disabled the "Query Change Command" feature until we receive the best ideal solution from AERIES. By doing so, many users whose responsibility is to Mass update, may be hindered in completing many of their important tasks vital to the day to day school functions and student data maintenance. Consequently, if we turn the "Query Change Command" feature back on and should a user "by accident" Mass updates a table or tables using that feature (NOT the "Change button"), our entire school district, if not, thousands of students and their records, would greatly be affected and the security and integrity of our student data would be impacted.
A priority must be decided for the item:
Because the safety of our students (and staff) and the security and integrity of our student data are both extremely important to our school district, this requested Idea is, therefore, an absolute #1 priority to us.
We appreciate your strong support and we thank you very much for your valuable time and great consideration.

Chuck Knowles commented
I agree that it would be of great help to seperate the two functions.