We would like a report option to print transcripts with the students immunization record on the reverse side of the page.
We would like the option to print transcripts with the immunization record on the reverse side of the page. This would help with student records retention. The transcript and immunization record are permanent records, required to be kept indefinitely. Many schools are running out of space to store these records. If the two could be combined front to back it would save on storage space.

Aeries allows for immunizations to be included on the transcript. This can be set up on the Transcript Definition > Things to Print tab. If you are using the 3-column transcript there are some limitations to how much can be printed in the the Things to Print area, you may want to look into using the Enhanced 1-column transcript.
Here is some documentation:
Things to Print: https://support.aeries.com/support/solutions/articles/14000071847-transcript-definition-form
Enhanced 1 column: https://support.aeries.com/support/solutions/articles/14000114428-transcript-design-options-enhanced-1-column-style