Monthly Attendance Summary needs a Track and/or Program Filter.
Any Multi-Track District would benefit from the Monthly Attendance Summary being able to be filtered by Program, or at least by Track.
Many Districts use multiple Tracks to govern the school schedules with differing numbers of days. This causes the Monthly Attendance Summary to be unable to generate report totals, as it is dealing with months of varying numbers of days. Not even a skip query solves the problem, as the Monthly Attendance Summary always encompasses every program in the whole school site.
It would be ideal to be able to filter by Program, so that not only could certain schedules be skipped, but non-ADA accruing Transitional Kindergarteners can be as well, for example. But having a way to isolate one Track would at least enable the report to generate Totals properly.

Amationg commented
We need report totals so our staff can have the information in writing as soon as the report is generated, rather than having to manually find the sum. Please fix this.
Kind regards,
Abigail Mationg
Information Systems Specialist